Germany, celebrated for its stellar education system, cultural diversity, and affordable living, stands tall as a preferred destination for international students. The prospect of studying in Germany is not only enticing due to its top-tier universities but also because of its budget-friendly tuition fees. In this informative post, our Fastepo Team in Germany is here to provide answers to a pressing question: How much does it cost to study in Germany?

Tuition Fees in Germany

One of the standout features of pursuing higher education in Germany is the remarkably low tuition fees. In most German universities, both national and international students are exempt from tuition fees, with exceptions for certain postgraduate and professional programs.

To elucidate further:

  • Bachelor Programs: These are typically tuition-free in Germany. It’s one of the most attractive facets for students.
  • Master Programs: While some international master’s programs may have nominal tuition fees, they are often so modest that they are virtually considered “free.”
  • Exception in Baden-Württemberg: The federal state of Baden-Württemberg implemented tuition fees for non-EU citizen students of Bachelor’s, Master’s, Diplom, and state examination degree programs starting from the winter semester of 2017/18, amounting to 1500 euros per semester.

Living Expenses in Germany

While tuition fees in Germany are gentle on the pocket, the cost of living can vary, especially in major urban centers such as Berlin, Munich, and Frankfurt. As an international student, your budgeting should encompass accommodation, sustenance, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses.

The average monthly cost of living for a student in Germany is estimated to range between €800 and €1,000. However, this figure is contingent on your location and lifestyle. In Berlin, for instance, you might expect expenses around €1,000 per month, while smaller cities could demand as little as €600 monthly.

Germany extends numerous scholarships for international students, a significant boon for covering tuition fees and living costs. These scholarships emanate from the German government, universities, and private organizations.

PhD students typically enjoy tuition-free education throughout Germany, often being employed by the university and remunerated via scholarships, stipends, or full-time positions.

It’s essential to recognize that semester contributions, a common feature in German universities (averaging €150 per semester), cover additional services like free public transportation (semester pass) and various social activities for students, including student canteens and dormitory services.

Studying in Germany presents a compelling option for international students seeking higher education without the weighty burden of exorbitant tuition fees. While living expenses can fluctuate, an array of scholarships stands ready to alleviate financial concerns.

Remember, both tuition fees and living costs hinge on your chosen location and lifestyle. Thus, thorough research is your ally when contemplating a study adventure in Germany. The “Land of Ideas” beckons, where education harmoniously meets affordability, paving the way for a rewarding academic experience amidst captivating landscapes and vibrant cities.

Would you like to know the salary amount of PhD and postdoc positions in Europe? 

You can find all the available full-funded PhD positions in different countries here.