Sweden, renowned for its high standard of living and robust social welfare system, is an appealing destination for students seeking a world-class education. However, this Nordic gem also boasts a higher cost of living, making it imperative for students to gain a clear understanding of their anticipated expenses. In this guide, we aim to answer a fundamental question: How much does it cost to live in Sweden as a student?


Accommodation stands as the most substantial expense for students in Sweden. The cost of lodging varies considerably based on several factors, including the type of housing and location. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Student Dormitory or Shared Apartment: Monthly costs typically range from SEK 3,000 to SEK 7,000.
  • Private Apartment: If you opt for a private apartment, be prepared to allocate between SEK 5,000 and SEK 12,000 per month.

Notably, accommodation expenses can fluctuate depending on the city. Larger urban centers like Stockholm and Gothenburg generally command higher rents compared to smaller towns.


Food consumption represents another significant portion of a student’s budget. The cost of meals can fluctuate based on dining choices:

  • Student Cafeteria: Expect to spend approximately SEK 50 to SEK 100 for a basic meal.
  • Eating Out: Dining at restaurants can set you back anywhere from SEK 100 to SEK 300 per meal.
  • Groceries: Weekly grocery shopping can range from SEK 500 to SEK 800, influenced by the items purchased and the store’s location.


Transportation costs are a variable expense that can accumulate over time:

  • Monthly Student Bus Pass: A monthly pass generally costs between SEK 600 and SEK 900.
  • Single Bus Ride: For individual bus rides, anticipate spending around SEK 30 to SEK 50 per trip.

Other Expenses

Sweden offers numerous budget-friendly leisure activities for students. Many museums and art galleries provide free admission to students, while discounts are available for movie tickets and various entertainment options.

The Total Picture

In summary, the cost of living in Sweden as a student encompasses a range of SEK 8,000 to SEK 15,000 per month, contingent on factors such as location and personal preferences. It is crucial to consider these expenses when crafting a budget for your student life. Moreover, exploring opportunities for scholarships and part-time employment can help alleviate the financial burden.

Understanding the financial landscape of student life in Sweden is essential for a successful and enjoyable academic journey. By gaining insight into the costs associated with accommodation, food, transportation, and leisure activities, you can plan your budget effectively and make informed decisions to ensure a fulfilling experience in this Scandinavian haven of education and culture.

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