In this post, you can find the details of Phd and Postdoc Salary in Austria. It should be noted that it is included of such as Before-tax salary and After-tax salary.

Salary of PhD and Postdoc in Austria

If you’re curious about the salaries of PhD students and Postdocs in Austria, you’ve come to the right place. This post provides all the essential information you need. Austria, a prominent German-speaking country, is home to numerous esteemed research institutions and universities. In this post, we delve into the specifics of PhD and Postdoctoral salaries in Austria, covering both before-tax and after-tax earnings.

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Before-tax Salary of PhD and Postdocs in Austria

PhD students working under contracts at Austrian universities, like any other employees, are subject to taxation. The monthly gross salary for a PhD student in Austria typically ranges from 2,151€ to 2,615€ (paid 14 times a year). However, the salary of a Postdoc in Austria hinges on the funding source of the project. For example, if a Postdoc receives funding from FWF, the monthly Postdoc salary before tax can amount to 3,711€.

After-tax Salary of PhD and Postdocs in Austria

Let’s shift our focus to the after-tax salary of PhD students and Postdocs in Austria. For PhD students, the monthly net salary typically falls within the range of 1,563€ to 1,809€. This translates to a take-home income of 2,362€.

In the case of an experienced Postdoc, often referred to as a “senior Postdoc,” the monthly gross salary is higher and can reach up to 4,080€. Correspondingly, the net salary for a senior Postdoc in Austria would be around 2,537€ per month.

The salary structure for PhD students and Postdocs in Austria (those on fixed-term contracts) varies based on qualifications and job performance. There are some parallels to the salary structures in Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, Ireland, France, Netherlands and the UK. However, it’s important to note that these salaries typically fall below those received by PhD students in ITN (Innovative Training Network) positions or Postdocs hired through the Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Available Fully Funded PhD and Postdoc Positions in Austria

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