In this post, we have listed Master’s and PhD Fellowships and Research Jobs at Princeton University in the USA. This post will be updated regularly.

Princeton University

Princeton University is the fourth-oldest institution of higher education in the USA and is a member of the Ivy League. Established in 1746, Princeton University is one of the world’s most prestigious institutions of higher education. It is also one of America’s oldest colleges. Princeton offers undergraduate degree programs in all major academic disciplines and graduate school programs in more than 40 fields, including the first university-based PhD program in American history.

Princeton University has around 2400 academic and admission staff as well as around 8500 under- and postgraduate students.

Princeton University consists of four main undergraduate and graduate fields of study: humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering. It should be noted that there are some professional degrees in Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs, Engineering and Applied Science, Architecture, and also in the Bendheim Center for Finance.

Available Master, PhD and Postdoctoral Jobs at the Princeton University in the USA

Here you can find some of the funded Master’s and PhD (Fellowships) at Princeton University.

Title: Program in Latin American Studies (PLAS) Graduate Fellowship (Princeton University Jobs)

Application Process: By Application

Division: Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences

Eligibility: DCE students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Campus Partners


PLAS awards two to four dissertation completion writing grants annually for either a semester or the full academic year to the most promising advanced graduate students from all Princeton doctoral programs, whose research work focuses on Latin America and who have reached Dissertation Completion Enrollment (DCE) status, with priority given to 6th year students. The award includes a stipend and covers DCE/In-Absentia tuition and student health plan fees.

The PLAS Graduate Fellowship award obligates recipients to be active in the program by attending events and coordinating the Graduate Works-in-Progress Series, an interdisciplinary series that meets two to three times per semester, which provides a forum for graduate students to discuss their dissertation work on Latin America with other students and faculty from across campus.

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Title: Dean’s Completion Fellowship/PGRA Program (Princeton University Jobs)


This program, which originated from the work and recommendations of the Task Force on the Future of the Graduate School, has two components. The first component is the Dean’s Completion Fellowship. It pays the Dissertation Completion Enrollment (DCE) tuition fee and provides fellowship funding at the full standard stipend rate to selected sixth-year (or, currently, seventh-year students) in the humanities and social sciences. Students selected for the program who finish dissertation work and successfully complete the Final Public Oral (FPO) before the end of the semester in which they hold the fellowship then have the opportunity to be appointed as Postgraduate Research Associates (PGRAs) through the Office of the Dean of the Faculty.

Given the challenges of scheduling FPOs in the second half of December, students who hold the Dean’s Completion Fellowship in the fall semester are given one additional month (January) to complete the FPO and still qualify for the PGRA appointment. (Fellowship continues for them in the month of January to support their possible completion.) Students who hold the Fellowship in the spring semester have until the end of May to complete the FPO and qualify for the PGRA appointment.

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Title: Centennial Fellowship in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: Awarded at Admission

Division: Humanities and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Incoming doctoral students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Graduate School


Centennial Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences are awarded based on academic excellence and research promise.

These five-year awards provide full tuition, student health plan fees, and a stipend in excess of the standard rate for all years of the awardees’ defined program length.

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Title: Centennial Fellowship in the Natural Sciences and Engineering (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: Awarded at Admission

Division: Engineering and Natural Sciences

Eligibility: Incoming doctoral students

Funding Type: Base and Supplement

Administered By: Graduate School


Centennial Fellowships in the Natural Sciences and Engineering are awarded based on academic excellence and research promise.

These awards provide full fellowship support (tuition and stipend) to first-year students with a stipend at a premium rate. The fellowship supplement above the standard rate of support continues for the duration of their academic program plan.

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Title: Charles N. Hanna and Margaret T. Hanna Fund Fellowship (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Application

Division: Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Continuing students, DCE students and Master’s Students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Graduate School: Access, Diversity & Inclusion


The Charles N. Hanna and Margaret T. Hanna Fund supports graduate students who exhibit significant academic merit and intellectual promise and contribute to the University’s diversity. Fellowship awardees include members of groups that have been historically and are presently underrepresented in the academy (e.g., racial and ethnic minorities), and those who have made active contributions to enhancing access, diversity, and inclusion at Princeton.

Funding is intended for students in their final year of study. Each year the Graduate School awards a number of partial fellowships to graduate students who require additional funds in order to complete their degree in a timely manner and without significant educational debt.

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Title: Dean’s Completion Fellowship/Postgraduate Research Associate (DCF/PGRA) Program in Humanities and Social Sciences (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Nomination

Division: Humanities and Social Sciences

Eligibility: DCE students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Graduate School


The Dean’s Completion Fellowship / Postgraduate Research Associate (DCF/PGRA) Program in Humanities and Social Sciences offers two components: financial support for graduate students for dissertation completion, and, should they complete their degree during the award period, a post-graduate research assistantship through the Dean of the Faculty.

The fellowship provides full Dissertation Completion Enrollment (DCE) tuition and stipend at the standard rate to selected sixth-year (or, currently, seventh-year students) in the humanities and social sciences. Students selected for the program who finish dissertation work and successfully complete the Final Public Oral (FPO) before the end of the semester in which they hold the fellowship then have the opportunity to be appointed as Postgraduate Research Associates (PGRAs) through the Office of the Dean of the Faculty. 

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Title: East Asian Studies Program (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Application

Division: Humanities and Social Sciences

Eligibility: DCE students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Campus Partners


The Program in East Asian Studies supports Ph.D. students in humanities and social science departments who are concentrating on East Asian topics for their dissertation research. The Program coordinates with any other internal or external funds to support an additional year of study beyond the five years for regular enrollment, provided that students demonstrate regular, substantial progress toward completion.

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Title: Francis Robbins Upton Fellowship (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: Awarded at Admission

Division: Engineering

Eligibility: Incoming doctoral students

Funding Type: Base and Supplement

Administered By: Graduate School


The Upton Fellowship is awarded to the most outstanding incoming doctoral students in engineering.

The award provides full fellowship in the first-year of study (tuition, base stipend, and a grant of $3,000 remitted at the start of the academic year). The fellowship also provides a supplement of $5,000 in all years of study, one through five.

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Title: Gordon Wu Fellowship (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: Awarded at Admission

Division: Engineering

Eligibility: Incoming doctoral students

Funding Type: Base and Supplement

Administered By: Graduate School


The Wu Fellowship, established through a gift from alumnus Sir Gordon Y.S. Wu, is awarded to the most outstanding incoming doctoral students in engineering.

The award provides full fellowship in the first-year of study (tuition, base stipend, and a grant of $3,000 remitted at the start of the academic year). The fellowship also provides a supplement of $5,000 in all years of study, one through five.

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Title: High Meadows Environmental Institute-Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy Fellowships (HMEI-STEP) (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Application

Division: Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Continuing students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Campus Partners


The HMEI-STEP Graduate Fellowship Program enables Ph.D. candidates in science, engineering, and other academic disciplines to explore the environmental policy dimension of their doctoral research. Admission to the program is by competitive application taken annually in the spring semester. Awarded students receive half support (tuition and stipend) from the High Meadows Environmental Institute (HMEI) for two years and participate in the Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy (STEP) program at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs (SPI). HMEI-STEP Fellows also receive a $3,500 award to support their graduate research.

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Title: Honorific Fellowship: Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Fellowship (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Nomination

Division: Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Continuing students and DCE students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Graduate School


The Procter Fellowship was established in 1912 in memory of Charlotte Elizabeth Procter by her son and is open to students who are in their terminal year. Fellows are to be selected by vote of the University faculty on nomination by the dean of the Graduate School after consultation with professors in each nominee’s home department. The fellowship recognizes students in their later year of study for outstanding academic performance and professional promise.

Honorific awards provide full university fellowship tuition and a 12-month premium stipend set at a rate which exceeds standard support.

Nomination Process:

Students must be nominated by their department to be considered for an Honorific Fellowship. Information regarding eligibility and nomination procedures is currently available for directors of graduate studies and graduate program administrators.

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Title: Honorific Fellowship: Harold W. Dodds Fellowship (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Nomination

Division: Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Continuing students and DCE students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Graduate School


The Harold W. Dodds Fellowship was established in 1957 by an anonymous donor to provide a fellowship fund in honor of Harold Dodds, fifteenth president of Princeton. The fellowship recognizes exceptional students in their later years of study.

Honorific awards provide full university fellowship tuition and a 12-month premium stipend set at a rate which exceeds standard support.

Nomination Process:

Students must be nominated by their department to be considered for an Honorific Fellowship. Information regarding eligibility and nomination procedures is currently available for directors of graduate studies and graduate program administrators.

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Title: Honorific Fellowship: Porter Ogden Jacobus Fellowships (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Nomination

Division: Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Continuing students and DCE students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Graduate School


The Porter Ogden Jacobus Fellowship was established in 1905 by the generosity of Mrs. Clara Cooley Jacobus. The fellowship is the University’s top honor for graduate students in their later years of study in recognition of scholarly ability, achievements, and character.

Honorific awards provide full university fellowship tuition and a 12-month premium stipend set at a rate which exceeds standard support.

Nomination Process:

Students must be nominated by their department to be considered for an Honorific Fellowship. Information regarding eligibility and nomination procedures is currently available for directors of graduate studies and graduate program administrators.

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Title: Honorific Fellowship: Wallace Memorial Fellowship in Engineering (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Nomination

Division: Engineering

Eligibility: Continuing students and DCE students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Graduate School


The Wallace Memorial Fellowship was founded in 1930 by the bequest of Bonnie Wallace LeClear and reconstituted in 1963 as the highest award conferrable to graduate students in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Honorific awards provide full university fellowship tuition and a 12-month premium stipend set at a rate which exceeds standard support.

Nomination Process:

Students must be nominated by their department to be considered for an Honorific Fellowship. Information regarding eligibility and nomination procedures is currently available for directors of graduate studies and graduate program administrators.

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Title: Hyde Fellowship for Summer (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Application

Division: Humanities

Eligibility: Continuing students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Graduate School


Travel grants are awarded to post-generals students in select departments (Art and Archaeology, Classics, East Asian Studies, English, French and Italian, German, Near Eastern Studies, and Spanish and Portuguese) to conduct dissertation research abroad. Preference is given to projects requiring residence in England.

The summer Fellowship replaces the standard University fellowship and provides a higher stipend to cover living and travel expenses.

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Title: Hyde Fellowship for the Academic Year (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Application

Division: Humanities

Eligibility: Continuing students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Graduate School


Awards full tuition and a premium stipend to support travel during the 10-month academic year.

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Title: Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities at Princeton (IHUM) (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Application

Division: Humanities and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Continuing students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Campus Partners


IHUM offers interdisciplinary seminars and programming and provides an additional year of fellowship support for interdisciplinary work to selected students pursuing a joint Ph.D.

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Title: Joint Degree Program in Social Policy (JDP) (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Application

Division: Social Sciences

Eligibility: Continuing students and Incoming doctoral students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Campus Partners


The Joint Degree Program in Social Policy offers Ph.D. students in Politics, Psychology, Sociology, and Population Studies tuition and stipend while pursuing a joint degree in Social Policy.

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Title: Maeder Graduate Fellowship in Energy and the Environment (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Nomination

Division: Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Continuing students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Campus Partners


The Paul A. Maeder ’75 Fund for Innovation in Energy and the Environment supports the Maeder Graduate Fellowship in Energy and the Environment. Each year in early February, faculty members nominate the very best post-generals, non-DCE graduate students performing research related to energy and/or the environment as impacted by energy. The student may be enrolled in any Ph.D. program on campus and nominations from departments outside of engineering are encouraged.

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Title: Mr. and Mrs. Yan Huo *94*95 Graduate Fellowship (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Nomination

Division: Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Continuing students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Campus Partners


The Mr. and Mrs. Yan Huo *94*95 Graduate Fellowship, administered by PIIRS, will award qualified Princeton Ph.D. students who are conducting field work outside the United States for at least one semester, especially in or related to China, during the 2020-2021 academic year. Fellows will receive full tuition for the semester(s) abroad, a twelve-month stipend and up to $10,000 in additional funding to support research and travel.

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Title: President’s Fellowship (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: Awarded at Admission

Division: Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Incoming doctoral students

Funding Type: Supplement

Administered By: Graduate School


The President’s Fellowships are awarded in recognition of academic excellence and promise to enhance the awardees’ fields of study by representing divergent backgrounds, experiences, identities and perspectives. Fellows participate in the Graduate Scholars Program, a community of scholars and programs which enhance academic success, professional development and community-building. President’s fellows receive a stipend supplement at the start of years one and two of study to assist with transition costs as they begin their academic careers at Princeton.

Fellowships provide a supplement in the first two years of study. Payments are remitted in the monthly payroll cycle at the end of August, the first month of the fall term, in each academic year.

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Title: Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS) Graduate Fellowships (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Application

Division: Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences

Eligibility: DCE students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Campus Partners


PIIRS provides dissertation completion fellowships for advanced graduate students whose dissertations are framed in terms of international or regional studies (broadly defined). Students who receive fellowships participate in a community of dissertation writers that is centered on a weekly interdisciplinary seminar. PIIRS awards up to 20 dissertation writing grants annually for either a semester or the full academic year to students who have reached Dissertation Completion Enrollment (DCE) status. Priority will be afforded to students who have engaged in extended field research overseas.

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Title: Princeton University Fellowship in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: Awarded at Admission

Division: Humanities and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Incoming doctoral students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Graduate School


The Princeton University Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences reflect our commitment to fully support the financial needs of degree-seeking doctoral students. The fellowships guarantee full financial support: tuition, student health plan fees and an annual base stipend. The base stipend is intended to support the estimated living expenses of a single graduate student.

The fellowships are five-year awards for doctoral students newly admitted by a degree program in Humanities and Social Sciences for all years of regular program enrollment. These university fellowships provide full tuition, student health plan fees, and the standard stipend for the 12-month academic year.

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Title: Princeton University First-Year Fellowship in the Natural Sciences and Engineering (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: Awarded at Admission

Division: Engineering and Natural Sciences

Eligibility: Incoming doctoral students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Graduate School


The Princeton University First-Year Fellowships in the Natural Sciences and Engineering reflect our commitment to fully support the financial needs of degree-seeking doctoral students. The fellowships guarantee full financial support: tuition, student health plan fees and an annual base stipend. The base stipend is intended to support the estimated living expenses of a single graduate student.

The fellowships are one-year awards for doctoral students newly admitted by a degree program in Natural Sciences or Engineering for the first-year of study. These university fellowships provides full tuition, student health plan fees, and the standard stipend for the 10-month academic year.

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Title: Prize Fellowship in the Social Sciences (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Nomination

Division: Natural Sciences and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Continuing students and DCE students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Campus Partners


The Prize Fellowship in the Social Sciences offers interdisciplinary programming for awardees. Fellows engage in bi-weekly presentations to examine multi- and interdisciplinary perspectives in relation to important issues of international and domestic public policy.

The fellowship provides full tuition support, a stipend in excess of the base stipend rates, and includes a grant to support research expenses.

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Title: UCHV Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Fellowship program (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Application

Division: Humanities and Natural Sciences

Eligibility: Visiting students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Campus Partners


The University Center for Human Values provides financial support to its primary constituencies through various fellowships, awards and prizes, and grants.

A hallmark of the Center is its Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Fellowship program, which supports fellows in diverse academic areas for one year in residence at Princeton to research and write about topics involving human values in public and private life.

The Center’s Laurance S. Rockefeller Graduate Prize Fellowship (GPF) program recognizes and supports post-generals graduate students with distinguished academic records in any discipline whose dissertation research centrally involves the critical study of human values.

Fellowships and research awards help support undergraduate and graduate initiatives and exemplary scholarship; faculty grants support research by Princeton faculty, whose work relates to values in public and private life; and various undergraduate prizes award students whose senior thesis, research, or projects address areas of ethics or human values.

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Title: University Center for Human Values Fellowship (UCHV) Graduate Prize Fellowship (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Application

Division: Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Continuing students and DCE students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Campus Partners


The UCHV Graduate Prize Fellowship Program (GFP) supports exemplary post-generals graduate students engaged in the critical study of human values. The program includes a faculty-led yearlong course and dissertation seminar where awardees present their research, engage with one another, and participate in workshops and career development programs.

The UCHV GFP provides full tuition support and premium stipend for the 12-month academic year.

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Title: William Alexander Fleet Fellowship (Princeton University Jobs)

Applicaton Process: By Application

Division: Humanities and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Visiting students

Funding Type: Base

Administered By: Graduate School: Academic Affairs


The Fleet Visiting Fellowship is awarded to students from Magdalen College, University of Oxford, who are nominated by their college and accepted for admission to Princeton as non-degree visiting students. The fellowship includes full tuition, fees and stipend for one year.

The fellowship provides full tuition and stipend for the 10-month academic year. Fleet Fellows are eligible to apply for campus housing, but it cannot be guaranteed. Students must be nominated by the College in order to apply and admission is contingent upon final approval by the admitting department and the Graduate School at Princeton. Students may apply to study in any of the departments in the Graduate School listed under Fields of Study.

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B. Available Researcher Jobs at Princeton University

Here are some available academic and research jobs at Princeton University.

Title: Postdoctoral Research Associate (Princeton University Jobs)

Summary: Anticipated to start in September 2021, the position is open to scholars of all academic disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. This full-time twelve-month position is renewable annually for up to three years, subject to satisfactory performance and available funding.

The Center promotes interdisciplinary approaches to advancing the study of Iran and the Persian Gulf, with special attention to the region’s role and significance in the contemporary world. The goal of the program is to support outstanding scholars of Iran and the wider Persianate world at an early stage of their careers and thus to strengthen the field of Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies in the United States and abroad.

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Title: Post-Doctoral Training Program at Princeton University (Princeton University Jobs)

Deadline: Various

Summary: Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) at Princeton University offers Post-Doctoral training to graduates who come from scientific and scholarly-based counseling and psychology programs, who demonstrate the capacity to engage in theoretical and research-based inquiry, and who have a readiness for intensive training in practice. The Post-Doctoral training program offers extensive clinical experience with substantial supervision, interdisciplinary collaboration, treatment team participation, and outreach opportunities.

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Title: Research Specialist I/II (Princeton University Jobs)

Department: Integrative Genomics

Category: Research and Laboratory 

Job Type: Full-Time


The Pritykin lab in the Computer Science Department and the Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics seeks applicants for Research Specialist I / Research Specialist II. The rank and salary will be commensurate with experience.

We seek candidates with computational biology, bioinformatics, computer science, machine learning, statistics, data science, applied math and/or other quantitative backgrounds who are enthusiastic about bringing their expertise to addressing fundamental problems in biology and medicine using cutting-edge technologies.

The Pritykin lab ( uses applied statistics, machine learning, and efficient algorithms to address fundamental problems in biology and medicine by integrative analysis of multi-dimensional data. We develop and apply computational methods for design and analysis of high-throughput functional genomic assays and perturbations, with a focus on single-cell, spatial and genome editing technologies. We are driven by questions in regulatory genomics, cancer immunology, and genome editing.

For this position, we are seeking motivated and highly organized individuals interested in learning about and getting fully embedded into one or more of specific scientific directions of our lab. Successful candidates will be expected to be able to read scientific literature to obtain the necessary biological background and become familiar with one or more data modalities (bulk and single-cell RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq, CUT&RUN, Hi-C, CRISPR screens) and datasets we and others have generated for our projects. In addition, the person in this position will need to become familiar with the computational methodology and pipelines to analyze such data.


Specific duties include:
Research assistance in computational biology:
– Reading scientific literature and obtaining necessary biological background
– Getting familiar with one or more data modalities (bulk and single-cell RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq, CUT&RUN, Hi-C, CRISPR screens) and datasets we and others have generated for our projects
– Getting familiar with computational methodology and pipelines to analyze such data
– Implementing or adopting these computational methods and applying them to analyze and visualize data
– Regularly discussing progress with collaborators within and outside the lab
– Preparing figures, presentations, reports, publications with results

A successful candidate will have an opportunity to contribute to a range of exciting collaborative projects in the lab, and eventually develop and lead new projects. This position is an excellent training opportunity before graduate or medical school or for achieving other career advancement goals. We are happy to provide a supportive and productive research environment.


Essential qualifications:
• A bachelor’s or master’s degree in a relevant field is required.
• Programming in R and/or Python.
• Practical experience with data analysis and visualization.
• Basic math and applied statistics background.
• Scientific research experience.
• Excellent communication and organizational skills.
• Strong attention to detail.

Preferred qualifications:
• Experience in computational biology, bioinformatics, biological or health data analysis.

The position is open and review of applications will begin immediately.

Appointments are for one year, with possibility for renewal pending satisfactory performance and continued funding. The position is subject to the University’s background check policy.

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Open Academic Positions at various Universities in the USA

If you couldn’t find a PhD or Postdoc position in the USA that matched your profile, here are other academic positions to consider instead. These are at American universities. Each link takes you to the dedicated page of that university and then you will be able to see the latest postdoc vacancies. These vacancies will be updated regularly.

Would you like to know the salary amount of PhD and postdoc positions in Europe? 

You can find all the available full-funded PhD positions in different countries here.