Comparison of Salary of Postdoc in Europe
In Fastepo, we continuously provide the latest information about the salary of Postdocs in Europe. Here, we summarize our collection and provide you with a comparison of the salary of a postdoc in Europe.
Comparison of Salary of Postdocs in Europe
For the comparison of the salary of postdocs in Europe, we choose only selected countries. The list includes Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Norway, Ireland, France, Netherlands and the UK. The countries are from Western Europe and the information is according to our database.
In the table below, you find the minimum and maximum gross (before tax) salaries of Postdocs in different European countries. We will add new countries to the list in the near future. The comparison of the salary of Postdocs in Europe is not a straightforward task and the salary depends on many parameters. Therefore, we provide the minimum and maximum before-tax salary of Postdocs in Europe as a table.
Comparison of Salary of Postdocs in Europe
Minimum Salary (Before Tax) in Euro | Maximum Salary (Before Tax) in Euro | |
Denmark | 55438 | 58366 |
Norway | 48783 | 56475 |
Switzerland | 82341 | 90706 |
Sweden | 35000 | 40365 |
Austria | 44400 | 48960 |
Netherlands | 33480 | 52824 |
Germany | 49910 | 62466 |
Finland | 34800 | 60000 |
UK | 36105 | 48160 |
Ireland | 36000 | 47000 |
Interested in discovering the salary figures for PhD and postdoctoral positions in Europe?:
- Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in Denmark
- Salary of a PhD student and Postdoc in Norway
- Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in Switzerland
- Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in Sweden
- Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in Germany
- Salary of PhD and Postdoc in Ireland
- Salary of Postdocs in France
- Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in the UK
- Professors’ salary in the UK
- Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in the Netherlands
- Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in Finland
- Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in Austria
- Salary of Marie-curie postdoctoral fellowship
- Salary of PhD student in Marie-Curie ITN
- Doctorate Degree Business Administration Salary
Postdoc Positions in Europe:
- Postdoc in Germany
- Postdoc in Switzerland
- Postdoc in Denmark
- Postdoc in the UK
- Postdoc in Sweden
- Postdoc in Finland
- Postdoc in the Netherlands
- Postdoc in Norway
- Postdoc in Belgium
- Postdoc in Austria
- Postdoc in France
- Postdocs in Spain
- Postdoc in Luxembourg
- Postdocs in Italy
Postdoc Positions Beyond Europe:
Fastepo will keep you updated on all academic positions (the most recent ones). You can also follow our Facebook page to keep up to date with any available vacancies. In addition, you can watch videos about PhDs and Postdocs on our YouTube channel if you don’t like reading text.
In the following video, you can see in which countries a Postdoc earns the most (highest salary). Note that the salary in the video is shown in the US dollar.