In this post, you can find out the exact details of Academic Salaries such as Postdoc and PhD Salary in Finland.

Salary of a PhD student and Postdoc in Finland

Finland, the standout Nordic (Scandinavian) country in education, boasts a collection of excellent universities, including Helsinki University, Oulu University, and Aalto University. In this post, we offer precise insights into academic salaries, specifically Postdoc and PhD salaries, in Finland.

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Before-tax Salary of a PhD Student and Postdoc in Finland

Our discussion of academic salaries in Finland is based on the “General Collective Agreement for universities 1 April 2014 to 31 January 2017.”

In Finland, an employee’s (PhD, Postdoc, Researcher, or Professor) salary comprises two components: a job requirement component and a personal performance component. PhD students fall within Levels 2 to 4, determined by their thesis progress. Consequently, the monthly gross salary of a PhD student in Finland ranges from 1,970€ to 2,460€.

For Postdocs, the starting monthly gross salary is 2,850€.

In both cases, an additional “personal performance level” is factored into the gross salary, which can amount to up to 46% of the job requirement level. Typically, a Postdoc’s “personal performance level” is set at 4, resulting in a total gross monthly salary starting from 3,311€. Here is the breakdown of the performance categories according to the General Collective Agreement for universities:

  • Performance category IV: Employee’s performance is exceptional, significantly surpassing all position requirements and assigned objectives.
  • Performance category III: Employee’s performance highly satisfies all position requirements and exceeds assigned objectives in certain areas.
  • Performance category II: Employee’s performance meets position requirements well and achieves high-quality standards in key areas.
  • Performance category I: Employee’s performance satisfies basic position requirements, with some aspects needing improvement.

After-tax PhD and Postdoc Salary in Finland

Finland’s taxation system is intricate, making it challenging to provide a one-size-fits-all tax calculation. As an example, a monthly income of around 2,000€ results in a 15.5% tax rate, while an income exceeding 3,000€ incurs a 27% tax rate. In essence, PhD students typically face a 15.5% tax rate, while Postdoc taxes commence at 27%.

Attention: Fastepo’s website features a dedicated academic portal where you can explore a multitude of academic career opportunities, including PhD positions, Postdoc positions, and scholarships.

Academic Salaries in Europe

The salary structure for PhD students and Postdocs in Finland (those on fixed-term contracts) varies based on qualifications and job performance. There are some parallels to the salary structures in Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Norway, Ireland, France, Netherlands and the UK. However, it’s important to note that these salaries typically fall below those received by PhD students in ITN (Innovative Training Network) positions or Postdocs hired through the Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship.