Victoria University of Wellington, an institution renowned for its unwavering commitment to academic excellence and research innovation, invites aspiring scholars to explore the remarkable opportunity of the Wellington Doctoral Scholarships. These scholarships, designed to encourage and support doctoral studies (PhD), serve as a testament to the university’s dedication to fostering postgraduate research. They offer invaluable financial support, enabling students to embark on a profound academic journey while making a significant impact on their respective fields of study. In this post, the Fastepo Team provides you with all the essential details about Victoria University of Wellington’s PhD Scholarship, valued at $29,500 annually plus tuition fees.

Victoria University of Wellington

Nestled in the heart of New Zealand’s vibrant capital city, Victoria University of Wellington has garnered global recognition for its academic distinction and pioneering research across a wide spectrum of disciplines. With a storied history rooted in scholarly excellence and a diverse, inclusive community, our university stands as a beacon for ambitious minds looking to thrive. Our commitment to providing a dynamic learning environment, state-of-the-art facilities, and a dedicated faculty paves the way for groundbreaking research and personal growth.

Wellington Doctoral Scholarships Overview:

They are proud to present the Wellington Doctoral Scholarships, an initiative aimed at encouraging and supporting doctoral studies at Victoria University of Wellington. These scholarships, awarded on the basis of academic merit, are available to both local and international students from a multitude of disciplines. By providing financial support and academic recognition, these scholarships empower students to embark on an enriching research journey.


Wellington Doctoral Scholarships are open to graduates from universities worldwide who are either planning to enroll full-time for a Doctorate (PhD) or have already commenced their doctoral studies at Victoria University of Wellington.

Scholarship Details:

The Wellington Doctoral Scholarships encompass the following benefits:

  • A generous stipend of $29,500 per annum.
  • Full coverage of domestic tuition fees for up to three years.
  • Opportunities for collaboration, joint initiatives, and alignment with the research and business communities.

Selection for these scholarships is highly competitive and is based on academic excellence, potential for high-quality research, and a record of publication in reputable journals. Additionally, the alignment between the applicant’s research interests and those of the School, Institute, or Centre is taken into account during the selection process.

Selection Process:

Final selection of scholarship recipients is made by the Victoria Research Scholarships Committee, based on recommendations from the relevant School and Faculty. Successful candidates will receive notifications approximately six weeks after each closing date in March, July, and November.

Terms and Conditions:

Scholarship recipients are expected to adhere to certain terms and conditions, including full-time enrollment, dedicated commitment to their research program, and participation in Victoria University of Wellington events and marketing activities when requested. Furthermore, the scholarship can be held concurrently with other awards, subject to approval.

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