Our list of available International PhD programs at the Technical University of Madrid in Madrid, Spain includes Manufacturing and Industry, ICT, Agriculture, Forestry and Environment, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Arts, and Social Sciences.
Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
The Technical University of Madrid is one of the most prestigious universities in Spain and Europe. It was founded in 1971 and has since become the largest university in Europe with over 100,000 students.
The Technical University of Madrid is a public institution located in the Spanish capital city, Madrid. It was founded on October 12th, 1842 by King Alfonso XII and Queen Isabel II to provide engineering education for young people who had completed their primary education. The Technical University of Madrid provides instruction for undergraduate and postgraduate courses leading to official qualifications (Licenciado, Ingeniero) as well as other qualifications (maestro, arquitecto). The Technical University has an international presence with more than 3 thousand foreign students.
Available PhD in MANUFACTURING & INDUSTRY in Madrid
PhD in MANUFACTURING & INDUSTRY is a prestigious course offered by the Technical University of Madrid, one of the top universities in Europe. The course offers a unique opportunity to study and work with leading companies from both Spain and abroad.
You can find a list of available PhD programs in Manufacturing and Industry study fields at the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) in Spain here.
Title: Interuniversitary Program of Fluid Mechanics (PhD in Madrid)
The movement of fluids is of outmost importance in a large number of natural phenomena and industrial processes as well. Facing these problems in an efficient way requires a multidisciplinary approach. The equations that describe the movement of fluids are already well defined, but their resolution and interpretation still represent a huge scientific challenge in many situations of scientific and technological interest. In Spain, there is a small scientific community in Fluid Mechanics with a remarkable prestige at international level, and also with a growing interest in solving relevant problems in the national industry. Compared to surrounding countries, this is still a quite small group.
One of the aims of this doctoral programme is to gather a multidisciplinary research team in Fluid Mechanics with the necessary critical mass to efficiently face the study of a broad number of problems in fluid dynamics and to initiate collaboration with industrial sectors in strategic issues. A second aim is the training of a scientific community in Fluid Mechanics with the required quality and size as to have an impact in the Spanish science and technology system. This doctoral programme is focused on three main strategic lines for the national industry in which we are recognised experts: a) Energy, b) Aeronautics/Space, and c) Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. The programme includes activities related to organization and transmission of knowledge in coordination with research and development activities. In summary, the programme aims at training scientists and technologists with the capacity to promote collaboration between academia and industry, and to attract researchers from related disciplines in order to create new interdisciplinary groups able to undertake new tasks for generation and transfer of knowledge.
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Title: PhD in Aerospace Engineering (PhD in Madrid)
The PhD Programme in Aerospace Engineering is adapted to the guidelines of the Bologna Process, which are laid out on Royal Decree 99/2011. The relevance of the academic and research activities of the proposed programme is obvious for the multiple uses and the social, economic and scientific impact that the aerospace segment has, together with its multidisciplinary content. Therefore, the PhD Programme offers a very wide range for the completion of the doctoral thesis, with six main lines of research and their support teams: 1) Analysis and Design of Space Missions; 2) Plasma Physics and Technological Applications; 3) Physics of Turbulence: Analysis and Experimentation in Fluid and Combustion Mechanics; 4) Modelling and Simulation of Aerospace Systems; 5) Experimental Aerodynamics and Wind Energy; 6) Production and Aerospace Materials
Admission to a PhD programme at UPM is governed by the specific programme criteria, provided it meets the conditions of admission of the UPM. In general, it will be necessary to be in possession of a Bachelor’s degree, or equivalent, and a university Master’s degree in order to access a PhD programme. The Academic Committee is the body that decides on the admission of each applicant
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Title: PhD in Economics and Innovation Management (PhD in Madrid)
The Doctorate Program in Economics and Innovation Management (DEGIN) enables students to develop research in an area of rising influence in contact with research teams from other countries. Students will have access to all national and international networks in which the research groups participating in the Program are involved. As a result, students will have the opportunity to present research advances at international conferences and to publish articles in indexed reviews, together with the possibility to earn the European PhD Degree.
The main objectives of DEGIN are as follows:
1. To train individuals who are able to address and solve problems of scientific and technological nature in the field of economics and innovation management through independent and original research work to expand the knowledge frontier further.
2. To train researchers capable of disseminating research results through scientific publications with a recognized review process and impact index.
3. To offer society a group of individuals who are able to elaborate, assess and critique new scientific and technological development research proposals in the field of economics and innovation management.
4. To train researchers eligible for jobs requiring a PhD Degree as postdoctoral researcher, university professor, researcher at institutes or businesses and other jobs requiring creativity, leadership and management in the area of technology.
5. To contribute to raise awareness of the scientific activity as a career and of its ethical implications for society.
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Title: PhD in Environmental Research, Modelling and Risk Assessment (PhD in Madrid)
The PhD Program in Environmental Research, Modelling and Risk Assessment (MIMARMA) offers prospective candidates the opportunity to start a research career within the wide field of Environmental Science and Technology. The individual professors and research groups involved in the program actively pursue research projects on topics ranging from in situ characterization of contaminated sites, environmental applications of biomarkers and amino acid racemization, contaminants transport in soil, groundwater and atmosphere, and human-health risk assessment to enhanced bioremediation, green fuels, contaminants photodegradation, CO2 injection and storage, and environmental applications of remote sensing to name a few. PhD students have access to modern chemistry, geology, engineering and computing laboratories and work in an international environment that encourages scientific excellence.
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Title: PhD in Production Engineering and Industrial Design (PhD in Madrid)
The PhD program in Production Engineering and Industrial Design offered at UPM aims to provide the knowledge, skills, tools and qualifications necessary to innovate and provide different solutions to transform the productive systems towards new demands and challenges of today’s society: sustainability, energy efficiency, profitability, minimization of environmental impact, interconnectability, etc. To achieve these objectives, the program offers the means and opportunities so that the doctoral students can finally take the initiative to do research on new topics in a world that is constantly changing, both technological and socially.
The PhD program in Production Engineering and Industrial Design is based on the different research lines developed by the research groups and professors of ETSIDI in the fields of mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, energy engineering, clean production and environment, metrology, materials, electrical engineering, industrial design engineering, additive manufacturing or automation and robotics, among others.
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Title: PhD in Sustainable Energy, Nuclear and Renewable (PhD in Madrid)
The Doctoral Program aims to train researchers and teachers to give a full answer to the current energy needs for sustainable development. This is definitely one of the key fields between the current technological challenges today, both for its impact on individulas and the collective well-being, for their influence on economic competitiveness, as well as for the impact on the environment and specifically global warming due to the enhanced greenhouse effect of the atmosphere. To contribute to this challenge innovative and advanced technological developments in energy technologies with low carbon emissions are necessary, including renewable energy, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion technologies, so that they all tend to play an ever more prominent role. In order to develop and acquire this knowledge a significant part is dealing with the accurate fundamentals of radiation physics and its interaction with matter, which allow to address key areas to society, such as medicine, industry, space and other.
The Doctoral Program brings together a group of faculty researchers from the Departments of Energy and Engineering Fluid Mechanics, and Nuclear Engineering, the Institute of Nuclear Fusion, and five research groups offcially recognized by the Technical University of Madrid
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Title: PhD Program in Engineering Management (PhD in Madrid)
This PhD program represents the natural continuity of doctoral programs existing in the College of Industrial Engineers of the Technical University of Madrid since 1972-73. Specifically, this program replaces the PhD program in Engineering Management regulated by Royal Decree 1393 /2007.
Engineering Management is a knowledge area showing a strong growth and a great vitality in academia.
All the professors serving as PhD advisors in this doctoral program are faculty members of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Business Administration and Statistics, College of Industrial Engineers of the Technical University of Madrid.
The general objectives of the PhD program in Engineering Management are as follows:
- To produce highly qualified professionals trained to address, analyze and build models for supporting decision-making in Engineering Management contexts, considering, when appropriate, the trade-off between economic, social and environmental goals.
- To develop new knowledge for addressing complex societal problems and make it available for society as a whole, either by modifying pre-existing tools & approaches, by combining tools & approaches from different fields, or by developing new tools & approaches that can later on be applied in more general contexts.
- To foster original, innovative and high quality academic research in the above-mentioned areas.
- To encourage collaboration with scholars from other research centers at national and international level.
- To create PhD graduates with advanced skills that make them eligible for positions such as postdoctoral researcher, university professor, researcher at institutes or companies, and other positions that require creativity, leadership and problem-solving abilities in the field of Engineering Management.
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Available PhD in ICT in Madrid
The PhD in ICT in Technical University of Madrid is a doctoral degree that provides a solid grounding in the principles and techniques of computer science, as well as to the social and economic impact of information technology. Listed below are the ICT PhD programs available at the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) in Spain.
Title: PhD in Biomedical Engineering (PhD in Madrid)
The impressive advance that medicine underwent since the second half of the twentieth century would not have been possible without the concurrent contribution of the new technologies. Scientific research, development and innovation on Biomedical Engineering are nowadays fundamental instruments within this panorama. It is from here that the growing need comes about for the training of researchers that apply the concepts and methods of engineering to the understanding, definition and resolution of problems in biology and medicine.
The general objective of this PhD Program is to provide the students the training and experience required to tackle successfully the research tasks of UPM on Life Sciences, to elaborate his/her PhD thesis and to initiate them in a life dedicated to scientific research.
The vision of this PhD program is that of a campus, a community of researchers, research lines and infrastructure (the BioTech initiative on Life Sciences at UPM), immersed in an international context and with an intense collaboration with health care institutions and the industrial environment. This vision of the PhD Program extends the old concept of multidisciplinarity, based on mostly disjoint combination of disciplines, toward a model that provides adequate skills and knowledge not only to solve problems but to formulate them, to handle efficiently the complexity and ambiguity ever present in the Biomedical Engineering field.
The mission of the program is to optimally contribute to the education of a new generation of researchers on Biomedical Engineering, to obtain the maximum benefit of the infrastructure, laboratories, experimental models and researchers available at the Biomedical Technology Centre (Centro de TecnologÃa Biomédica CTB) and the other research groups and departments that participate in the Program.
Although customization of the course contents to each student is a main criteria of the Program, content offer has been structured, for reasons of organization and guidance of students, into three main profiles:
Profile 1: Telemedicine and information systems.
Profile 2: Biomedical signal and image processing.
Profile 3: Devices, biomaterials and biomechanics.
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Title: PhD in Communications Tecnologies and Systems (PhD in Madrid)
This PhD program aims to produce high-level PhD theses in the fields of
– Radicommunications
– Optical communications
– Signal processing
– Audiovisual systems
It is also intended to promote the personal development of PhD students through participation in international research projects and stages in prestigious research centers abroad.
The first phase of this PhD program is the Master in Communications Technologies and Systems (Máster Universitario en TecnologÃas y Sistemas de Comunicaciones).
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Title: PhD in Electronic Systems Engineering (PhD in Madrid)
The doctorate program in Electronic Systems Engineering has been initiated by the Department of Electronics Engineering (DIE) at the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSIT), at Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). The field of the graduate study program cover the terms of Electronics Engineering and Technology, including some others that are support and requisite for application development, systems and services for future intelligent environments.
For the realization of the doctoral program, each student will be appointed an advisor for tutoring, academic orientation and research. In this respect, those interested in the program can approach any professor listed in the corresponding section, related by theme, or request a tutor to the Department (see contact section), indicating the subject area of prefered interest.
The aim is to allow the students to adapt to the uniqueness of the program and the institution, making the access a natural integration process. The particular program of study and research also pursues to follow the students in order to fit in their personal profile, both in capacity and interest.
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Title: PhD in Photovoltaic Solar Energy (PhD in Madrid)
The PhD degree on Photovoltaic Solar Energy awarded by UPM is an initiative oriented to the training of experts in all areas related to Photovoltaics. In particular, it aims at the scientific and technical training, both theoretical and experimental, of experts from different disciplines and backgrounds that constitute this field of relatively recent and expansive development.
The scientific and technological areas covered by the Programme are, amongst others: Physics and technologies of semiconductors and photovoltaic devices; Photovoltaic systems; Electronic instrumentation and information technology applied to solar energy; Solar radiation; Power conditioning and control; Thermology applied to solar energy; Solar optics; Electricity grids and integration of renewable energies; and Social foundations of solar energy.
Likewise, and as an inseparable part of the purely cognitive aspects, particular importance is given to the acquisition and encouragement of basic skills crucial in the present scientific and technological work, either in the industry or academic environments, such as communication, expression and innovation abilities. To this end, the Programme foresees specific training activities about scientific methodology and documentation, mobility, participation in congresses and development of research plans.
The PhD degree on Photovoltaic Solar Energy is the evolution of 2 previous programmes that received the highest quality awards from the Spanish Ministry of Education (Citation of Excellence- MEE2011-0667 and Citation of Quality–MCD2005-00354) and produced 107 PhD graduates.
Several research groups of UPM participate in the Programme, which involve professors and researchers of acknowledged international prestige from the Instituto de EnergÃa Solar and several departments from UPM’s Engineering schools: Electrónica FÃsica, TecnologÃas Especiales Aplicadas a la Telecomunicación (ETSI Telecomunicación), IngenierÃa de Circuitos y Sistemas, Sistemas Electrónicos y de Control (EUIT Telecomunicación), Electrónica, Automática e Informática Industrial, IngenierÃa Eléctrica (EUIT Industrial).In addition, educational and research centers from Europe, United States of America, Australia and Russia, as well ascompanies and business associations also collaborate with the Programme.
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Title: PhD in science and computer technologies for Smart Cities
Research in Science and Computer Technologies for Smart Cities is the engine of one of the technology sectors with higher growth prospects today. In addition to contributing to the progress of the ICT sector itself by designing increasingly complex software systems and implementing distributed systems over dynamic and mobile networks, this research is essential in other sectors involved in the so called concept of Smart Cities (e.g. transport sustainable infrastructure, energy supplies and intelligent building design).
In this context, this PhD program primarily focuses on three research areas:
- Designing complex systems and software applications in Smart Cities: Software Engineering process models, product architecture and software tools to improve, in general terms, product quality and the way of the development process of that product. IT for tools for energy and smart grids, in which information technologies are used to improve energy management and the design of recommendation systems within social networks.
- Simulation of systems and applications in Smart Cities: use of mathematical tools and computer science to the study and simulation of systems, including unconventional computing models and applications that are in the context of Smart Cities.
- Simulation and design of distributed sysems, dynamic networks and mobile networks for applications in Smart Cities.
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Title: PhD. in Systems and Services Engineering for the Information Society (PhD in Madrid)
Ph.D. in Systems Engineering and Services for the Information Society .
General objectives of the program
Research and innovation in emerging telecommunication systems for the Information Society .
Research and innovation in electronic systems for the Information Society .
Investigate innovative telematics services that promote the implementation of the Information Society and Knowledge.
Research and innovation in emerging audiovisual services that promote the implementation of the Information Society and Knowledge.
Investigate applications of Information Technology and Communications and its use in problem solving following criteria of equality, and environmental quality .
Investigate new technologies of information and communication that promote equality , mobility and accessibility.
CB11 – systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of the skills and methods of research associated with that field .
CB12 – Ability to conceive, design or create , implement and adapt a substantial process of research and creation.
CB13 – Ability to contribute to the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
CB14 – Ability to perform critical analysis , evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas .
CB15 – Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and society in general about their areas of expertise in the ways and languages commonly used in the international scientific community .
CB16 – Ability to develop, in academic and professional contexts , the scientific, technological , social, artistic or cultural in a knowledge-based society .
CA01 – function in contexts where there is little specific information.
CA02 – Find the key questions that must be answered to solve a complex problem.
CA03 – Design, create, develop and launch new and innovative projects in their field of knowledge .
CA04 – both equipment Work autonomously in an international and multidisciplinary .
CA05 – Integrate knowledge , handle complexity, and formulate judgments with limited information .
CA06 – Criticism and intellectual defense solutions.
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Title: PhD in Telematic System Engineering (PhD in Madrid)
The UPM’s Doctoral Program in Telematic Systems Engineering presented in this proposal has its roots in the conversion of a previous doctoral Program with the same name. The previous Program was established in the mid -80s, under the responsibility of the Department of Telematic Systems Engineering. This Program defined under the RD 778/1998 obtained the Quality Mention (2007-00131 MCD) in the call for 2007 and renewed in 2008. Subsequently, the program was defined in accordance with RD 1393/2007, which regulates university education in Bachelor, Master and PhD in the framework of the European Higher Education Area, and the rules of the UPM’s Research masters and PhD. Meeting the verification procedures of official teachings, the program was evaluated positively by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and the University Council in July 2009. Additionally, the program was awarded the Mention towards Excellence (Ref. MEE2011 – 00143) issued by the ANECA, in the 2011 call.
This doctoral program has had a remarkable demand, virtually constant throughout his life. The average number of students has been about 40 in the doctoral program over the last five years with an average of 15 new students each year.
One of the reasons for this high demand is that UPM’s Telematic Engineering PhD takes many years to provide society with well-trained researchers in information technology and communications, especially those directly related to the telematics networks and services, but also well-trained in the use of techniques of engineering, such as technology management, teamwork, the economic, regulatory and political (business ) which would have the results of their research , or realistic planning your research, all of which allows them to address the current situation analysis and complex systems research, with a systemic view that encompasses all aspects. Proof of this is the great recognition it enjoys with technology centers and R & D companies in the telecommunications sector in the formation of its research staff and in the technology transfer of the research results.
The overall objective of the PhD Program in Telematic Systems Engineering is to provide students with advanced training, specialized and multidisciplinary, aimed at promoting the introduction to research tasks to enable them to contribute in the areas where they carry out their task, the scientific, technical, social and economic area of Telematic Systems Engineering. To do this, the Program trains researchers in the area of information technology and communications, particularly those directly related to networks and telematic services.
The faculty is academic staff of the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering and it has extensive experience in teaching, researching, development and innovation on the Program’s scientific areas.
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Title: Software, Systems and Computing (PhD in Madrid)
The PhD program in Software, Systems and Computing (PSSC) covers the scientific and technological bases of information systems development as well as the relation and application of computer systems in the resolution of problems in other sciences and engineering.
The PhD in Software, Systems and Computing targets university degree holders, preferably from a high level (master’s degree, graduates, engineers or equivalent title) and informatics-related studies.
This PhD program has emerged as a fusion between the PhD program in Software and Systems and the PhD program in Advanced Computing for Science and Engineering. They are PhD programs of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and both of them have been distinguished with the Mention to Excellence. This new program complies with current legislation (Royal Decree 99/2011 and the Royal Decree 534/2013 which modifies it) and will begin to take place in 2014.
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The PhD Programme in Agriculture, Forestry and Environment at the University of Madrid offers a high quality of research and teaching to students. The programme has a strong Spanish and international orientation, with a wide-variety of courses in the fields of agriculture, forestry, ecology and environment. Listed below are the AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND ENVIRONMENT PhD programs available at the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) in Spain.
Title: Enginneering and management of the Natural Environment (PhD in Madrid)
PhD Program in ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. The PhD Program in ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, attached to the College of Forestry and Natural Environment, has the general objective of equipping the student with the necessary skills for the elaboration of a Doctoral Thesis on a research topic related to Environmental management and engineering applied to the natural environment, including forestry and natural environment, environmental sciences, and other related degrees in the broadest sense. Our objective is that the Doctorate student be able to develop scientific research and technological innovation of quality and excellence, within the strategic framework of R & D & I of the Technical University of Madrid, with the support and guidance of the Teachers of the Doctorate Program. All of them are actively involved in Research Groups, and their lines of work are included in the Moncloa International Campus of Excellence, of which the UPM is a member.
The Program Research Line is Engineering and Management of the Natural Environment, which encompasses all the other specific work areas.
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Title: PhD in Advanced Forest Research (PhD in Madrid)
The PhD Program in Advanced Forest Research, which received a FAVOURABLE assessment from the ANECA, is an adaptation to the 99/2011 RD, of an homonymous previous PhD Program, which was verified according to the 1393/2007 RD by the Ministry of Education and was awarded with a Towards Excellence Mention in 2011 (MEE2011-0149).
The Program is aimed at the scientific training of researchers specialised in topics related with forestry and natural resources management in a broad sense (forests, scrublands, grasslands, wildlife, rivers, lakes, mountains and every system or resource which is not related with agricultural or urban-industrial environments). Its main objective is to provide the stundent with every competence required for producing a PhD Thesis under the direction of its teaching staff, and always with approaches aimed at achieving high levels of quality, internationalization, recognition and movility.
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Title: PhD in Agro-Engineering (PhD in Madrid)
The PhD in Agro-Engineering covers a social demand claiming for specialists, lecturers, and qualified researchers in agricultural engineering projects, rural development, construction, energy supply, water management, mechanization, biomechatronics or automation.
The program aims to train doctoral students for research on relevant topics within the projects developed by the research groups and departments participating in the PhD.
The program languages are Spanish or English, according to student demand. Research will be developed in the most advanced laboratories and facilities of the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid. The PhD was awarded with a Mention of Excellence by the Ministry of Education in October 2011 (BOE no. 253), as recognition of the scientific, technical and educational reliability of the Program.
The faculty is a group of 30 preofessors, with great research and teaching experience, although other professors colaborate on theses supervision, coming from industry and research institutions as well. The team regularly published in ISI-JCR journals: Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Biosystems Engineering, Construction and Building Materials, Journal of Food Engineering, Postharvest Biology and Technology, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, and Transactions of the ASABE.
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Title: PhD in Biotechnology and Genetic Resources of Plants and Associated Microorganis (PhD in Madrid)
Biotechnology has experienced in recent years a great scientific advance that led to the development of a new technological revolution (the Genomic Revolution) which has changed the way we approach the study of living organisms and their use in the productive processes.
The goal of the PhD Program in Biotechnology and Genetic Resources of Plants and Associated Microorganisms from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica of Madrid, UPM) is to train doctors in the knowledge of living organisms of interest in food/feed and forestry production and in industrial processes in which those are involved. These PhDs must be able to lead the new activities in Research, Development and Technological Innovation (I+D+i) in areas such as biotechnology, agriculture, food production and environmental technologies.
The PhD, which has received the POSITIVE REPORT from ANECA on 03/07/2013, has a long tradition on research and training, and it is a required adaptation to the novel regulations (RD 99/2011) from Spanish Ministry of Education. The program derives from a previous verified program that obtained the Mention towards Excellence by the Ministry of Education (Mention 2011-0295) for academic years 2011-2012 to 2013-2014.
The Program hosts renowned researchers in these disciplines grouped in different departments of the School of Agronomic Engineering (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos, ETSIA) and the School of Engineering Forestry (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes, ETSIM) of UPM as well as researchers from Departments and Research Centers from National Research Institute for Agriculture and Food Technology (INIA), National Research Council (CSIC) and the Institute for Research and Rural Development, Agriculture and Food from Madrid (IMIDRA). A significant number of these researchers belong to the Department of Biotechnology and conduct their research activity in the Center for Biotechnology and Plant Genomics (CBGP), a joint center of excellence between UPM and INIA. The Biology Department also participates in this PhD Program. This Program has a clear international projection, with a high number of foreign PhD students (28% in the last 5 years) and a clear commitment of researcher and students to participate in training activities and short-stages in laboratories of international universities and research centers of excellence.
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Available PhD in CIVIL ENGINEERING in Madrid
The following is a list of Civil Engineering PhD study fields at the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) in Spain.
Title: PhD in Engineering of Structures, Foundations and Materials (PhD in Madrid)
The program is devoted to research in the field of Civil Engineering, focusing on the following areas which originate the name of the program: a) structural engineering, b) foundation engineering, c) materials engineering.
The fields of structural engineering, mechanics of soils and rocks and structural materials are essential technologies for transport infrastructure and for systems of civil engineering, oriented to hydraulics, energy or urban systems. The evolution of these areas of technology is showing an important activity in the last decades, spurred by the advances in computational techniques, in experimental and measurement techniques, as well as the manufacture of new materials. Innovative structural types and erection procedures allow to tackle the new social challenges. Among these one can mention the application of new technologies to Civil Engineering or new transport modes such as the high-speed railway. Many of these technologies and knowledge have a broad base and have applications in other fields such as mechanical engineering, aerospace or naval engineering. It is important also to mention the projection of this knowledge into other fields with important social impact such as biomechanics and biological materials and their applications in medicine, or nanomechanics or micromechanics of materials.
The goal of the doctoral program is the training of researchers at the highest level, with the capability for innovation and integration required to develop an academic career in the university or to enter into a research centre or departments dedicated to research, development or innovation of companies or administration.
Lines of research of multidisciplinary nature are an important objective. This is made possible thanks to the cooperation between researchers of the program with external centres and laboratories, be it in Spain or abroad.
An agreement for cooperation exists with IMDEA – materials, a research centre of the Madrid region. Additionally, there is a tradition for cooperation and joint tutorship of theses with the CEDEX network of research centres or with the Institute Eduardo Torroja (CSIC). There are also numerous active exchanges between the research groups and international centres.
The program obtained the seal of excellence from the ministry of Education MEE2011-0215 (period 2011-12 to 2013-14), regulated according to the decree RD1393/2007. In the five-year period (2008-2012) the numbered of PhD Theses completed has been 33, and at the beginning of 2013 the number of active theses was 52.
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Title: PhD in Naval Architecture, Marine and Ocean Engineering (PhD in Madrid)
Naval and Oceanic Engineering (NOE) is the scientific and technological discipline that applies the principles and methods of Engineering, Science and Technology for the understanding, definition and resolution of structural, hydrodynamic and systemic problems in the units, ships and artifacts used in maritime transport, and the exploitation of the resources of seas and oceans and units for defense and security. This discipline is an academic and professional reality in the world, having a large number of foreign universities that offer doctoral programs in NOE, which have signed exchange programs at different levels. The Doctoral Program in Naval and Oceanic Engineering is integrated into the Technical University of Madrid R & D strategy. Its aim is to position this University in the naval and oceanic sector from a development and use of technology perspective. It comes from the doctoral programs that the School of Marine Engineers ( ETSIN ) has kept active historically and it has been developed to train doctoral students in the theories and methodologies of greater relevance in the major research topics in Naval and Oceanic Engineering. This program helps to build the complete set of three cycles of university education in the area of Naval and Oceanic Engineering. It includes the most advanced research in a technological area that has always been important in Spain. Due to the current global economy, the competitiveness with third countries is difficult in areas such as capacity or price; therefore, competitiveness should be based on aspects of innovation and technological advancement. It is for this reason that we provide society with doctors with adequate training in the area, who will achieve the objective of advancing the knowledge of naval and ocean technology, which in turn will have a significant impact on the sustainable use of oceans, whose resources of all kinds will be shortly the cornerstone of development. The lines of research offered by the program are: 1) Hydrodynamics and Sloshing. 2) Experimental, Numerical and Computer-aided Design in Marine Vessels and Development artifacts. 3) Energy Exploitation of Marine Currents. 4) Fuel Cells and Hydrogen. Oceanic and Naval applications. 5 ) Hybrid materials. Oceanic and Naval applications. 6) Welding. Corrosion. Oceanic and Naval applications. 7) Structures and marine constructions. 8) Safety and Maritime Transport. 9) Aquaculture and Fisheries.
The program promotes agreements to foster national and international cooperation and participation in international R & D and collaboration with the business sector as a vehicle for funding research activities. Research teams that collaborate in the program are actively involved in R & D in different public national and international programs, integrating into consortia made up of universities, research centers and industry. Some group collaboration with companies in the development of R & D financed by companies must be added.
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Available PhD in ARCHITECTURE in Madrid
The PhD degree in Architecture at the Technical University of Madrid is designed to provide the knowledge and skills required for carrying out sustained research in design methodologies, structural behavior, urbanism and landscape architecture. The program aims to produce architects with broad cultural knowledge who can work independently or in collaboration with other professional disciplines. You can find here the available PhD programs in Architecture fields at the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) in Spain.
Title: PhD in Advanced Architectural Projects (PhD in Madrid)
PhD Program in Advanced Architectural Projectsis aimed atthe training of investigatorsin the realmof innovation, design, history and architectural theory.Its structurereflects adual understandingof its role in the field of architecture, both as a professor and researcher who poses an original contribution to the field of knowledge, with an emphasis on the expansion and reinterpretation of disciplinary understanding in a broad intellectual space. The sequence of courses is designed in order to give the new students a solid foundation in innovative insight, historical and theoretical discourse, with sufficient flexibility to allow for the implementation and monitoring of individual research interests. The program focuses on innovation, history and theory of architecture and urbanism in modern and contemporary international and intercultural context, from the mid-eighteenth century to the present.
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Available PhD in ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES in Madrid
The PhD in ARTS and SOCIAL SCIENCES at the Technical University of Madrid is a research-based program that provides the necessary training and skills to prepare specialists in the fields of Arts and Social Sciences. The list below shows the available PhD programs in Arts and Social Sciences at the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) in Spain.
Title: PhD in architectural communication
Coinciding with a reconsideration of the traditional paradigms of modernity fueled by the crisis, research in architecture has suffered a widening of the eyes, that has caused a shift towards strategical questions where the architectural project becomes a system of thought and positioning against a reality. The project turns from an object of contemplation into a relational object, which promotes relations between different parts and a variety of variables coming from specific efforts and emotional responses.
Being an architect has many formats today. The traditional architect educated at the responsibility of designing and constructing his work, currently lives with other partners, including those who wish to develop their ability to read, describe and even negotiate the reality, transforming it in a kind of contemporary architectural project material from very different and sometimes unknown point of views.
Facing the world of authentic specialization, society demands us to take care of updated needs to interconnect specialized worlds – from the complexity – in order to relate the multiplicity of specialized mediations as organizers, negotiators and communicators of knowledge.
The origin of Graduate Studies in Architectural Communication responds to an emerging demand that tries to provide a specific space for training, study and research, for those graduate students who are interested in developing a graduate linked to the phenomena of communication in the deep scope of the architectural project. Training will be addressed from both a humanistic, sociological and / or scientific approach, and from a technological dimension of experimental and innovative features.
The PhD programme in Architectural Communication (DOCA) is an initiative within the offer of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Born under Royal Decree 99/2011 which provides and promotes interdepartmental links and interschool programs, as well as broaden research lines of research groups from different departments
Created by a group of professors and teachers from the departments of Architectural Graphic ideation, Architectural Design, Architectural Composition, Linguistics, and Urban and Regional Planning at the School of Architecture of Madrid, the PhD Program in Architectural Communication brings together a set of researchers from the university community. The researchers team of this program (mostly UPM_UC campus of excellence), are united by common concerns and interests of professional teaching character and researcher in the field of mediation and architectural communication. This field of studies is understood as a hypermedia space without physical dimensions, hosting power and structuring the activities of people through text, images, video, audio, maps and any other supporting information. Any of the above scopes of studies allow the generation of knowledge through processes of social interaction, which involves management of shared information processing in free processes, and trying to response upon any of the existing formats currently included under the umbrella of communicative codes.
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Title: PhD in Sciences of Physical Activities and Sports (PhD in Madrid)
The official title of Doctor of Science in Sport and Physical Activity is conducted jointly by the University of Madrid (Faculty of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport – INEF) and the Autonomous University of Madrid (Department of Physical Education , Sport and Human Movement. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education). This program integrates the experience accumulated in the current programs of the two universities and aims to contribute prominently to a growing demand for researchers progressively and in parallel to the economic and social care fields are increasingly scientifically based. The following sections summarize the program
3) Access, and information about students.
c) Information system with a series of activities that will include: income profile, status and remain in the program, admission criteria, training supplements, training
d) Admission requirements and admission criteria. The academic committee, from each university will have the task, among others, to carry out the admission of applicants. As each of the profiles should or not make additional training:
profile 1a. No additional training required.
Profiles 1b and 2. The Academic Committee will establish the most suitable supplements individually.
4) Training activities
Number 1: Research Stays domestic or foreign centers.
Issue 2. Presentation, analysis and discussion of current research projects.
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Would you like to know the salary amount of PhD and postdoc positions in Europe?
- Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in Denmark
- Salary of a PhD student and Postdoc in Norway
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- Salary of PhD and Postdoc in Ireland
- Salary of Postdocs in France
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- Professors’ salary in the UK
- Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in the Netherlands
- Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in Finland
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- Salary of Marie-curie postdoctoral fellowship
- Salary of PhD student in Marie-Curie ITN
- Doctorate Degree Business Administration Salary
You can find all the available full-funded PhD positions in different countries here.
- Germany – Fully Funded PhD
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- Finland – Fully Funded PhD
- Netherlands – Fully Funded PhD
- Norway – Fully Funded PhD
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- Austria – Fully Funded PhD
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- France – Fully Funded PhD
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Founded more than a decade ago, Fastepo is an academic vacancy website. We offer fully-funded PhD positions, open positions (postdoctoral positions), and scholarships. We will keep you informed about all our recent activities on our social media pages and YouTube channel.