In this post, our Fastepo Team offers a listing of funded PhD and Postdoctoral positions available at the University of Barcelona in Barcelona, Spain.

PhD and Postdocs at University of Barcelona

In this post, our Fastepo Team offers a listing of funded PhD and Postdoctoral positions available at the University of Barcelona in Barcelona, Spain.  It will be updated on a regular basis.

University of Barcelona

The University of Barcelona is a university located in Barcelona, Spain. It was founded in 1450 and is one of the oldest universities in the world. The university has over 80 libraries that contain more than 1 million books and other publications, including 1 million volumes written before 1850.

Academic PhD and Postdocs at the University of Barcelona

Here you can find a list of all available academic positions (PhD) at the University of Barcelona.

Title: Advanced Studies in Artistic Production (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Advanced Studies in Artistic Production 

Areas of the program: Humanities

Centre: Faculty of Fine Arts

Maximum number of students: 10


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The Academic Committee establishes the following specific requirements and criteria:

1. Access from one of the following UB master’s degrees:
‘ Artistic Production and Research
‘ Visual Arts and Education: A Constructionist Approach
‘ Anthropology and Ethnography
‘ Contemporary Artistic Creation
‘ Cultural Management

2. Access from related degrees, depending on the specific content and its compatibility with the research areas covered by the doctoral programme: master’s degree in Digital Arts (UPF), master’s degree in Artistic Production (UPV).

3. For international students, Catalan or Spanish comprehension equivalent to level B1 in Catalan or the Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE, intermediate level).

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Title: Analytical Chemistry and the Environment (University of Barcelona PHD)

Denomination: Analytical Chemistry and the Environment  

Areas of the program: Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Chemistry

Maximum number of students: 20


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The Academic Committee has established the following specific requirements:
1. To be eligible for admission, candidates must hold one of the following qualifications:

a) Master’s degree in Analytical Chemistry or master’s degree in Water. Interdisciplinary Analysis and Sustainable Management, from the University of Barcelona. In the latter case, the student must have taken a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, Pharmacy or Environmental Sciences. The Erasmus Mundus Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories (EMQAL) will be considered a satisfactory equivalent.

b) A master’s degree issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area, of the same academic level and offering equivalent research training to the master’s degrees indicated above, at the discretion of the Academic Committee.

c) A degree issued by a higher education institution outside the European Higher Education Area framework, which does not have to be officially recognized but which proves that the holder has a level of education equivalent to the university master’s degree in Analytical Chemistry.

2. Knowledge of English. Candidates must provide official certification of English language proficiency (at level B1 or a recognized equivalent). Candidates who cannot provide official certification will be able to demonstrate their language skills in a personal interview with a representative designated by the Academic Committee.

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Title: Aquaculture (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Aquaculture

Areas of the program: Engineering and Architecture
Life Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Biology

Maximum number of students: 8


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The entry pathways and admission requirements for the doctoral programme in Aquaculture are those established in RD 99/2011 and in the regulations approved by the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University of Barcelona.
1. In general, to be admitted to the doctoral programme in Aquaculture, candidates must hold an official Spanish bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in an area of life sciences, health sciences and agricultural engineering or related areas, and a university master’s degree in aquaculture or another qualification with a comparable study load issued by a higher education institution in the EHEA.

2. Specific requirements and selection criteria for admission to the doctoral programme in Aquaculture:
a) The candidates’ master’s degree studies must have included an introduction to research and sufficient training in the general subject areas covered by the doctoral programme. Candidates may be required to take up to 30 credits of specific bridging courses, depending on their previous training. Credits for basic research training may be taken into account, at the discretion of the Academic Committee. For the purposes of public fees, grants and financial aid, bridging courses will be considered doctoral-level training. They will not be included in the limit established in Article 3.2 of the price decree for courses of higher education study.

b) Candidates must confirm that a PhD holder has agreed to act as thesis supervisor.

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Title: Besieged reality: Concept, Process and Artistic Experimentation (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Besieged reality: Concept, Process and Artistic Experimentation

Areas of the program: Sciences, Engineering and Architecture, Humanities and Social Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Fine Arts

Maximum number of students: 10


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

Based on the knowledge acquired in the creation of the doctoral programme, it is anticipated that most applicants will hold a degree in fine arts. Other applicants are likely to hold degrees in one of the following disciplines:

– Architecture
– Humanities
– Information Sciences
– Audiovisual Communication
– Engineering
– Psychology and related disciplines (in the health sciences and experimental sciences, for example)

The accepted admission pathways and specific requirements area those established in Royal Decree 99/2011 and in the University of Barcelona regulations on doctoral studies.

Preference will be given to holders of a masters degree or an official postgraduate qualification in an area related to the disciplines listed in the specific admission requirements, above. Examples at the UB include the university masters degrees in Artistic Creation: Realism and Environments and Contemporary Artistic Creation, as well as the advanced studies diploma obtained as part of the doctoral programme in Besieged Reality: Creative Positionings.

Decisions on admission will be based on the compatibility of each candidate’s profile with the objectives of the programme, as gleaned from the documentation submitted with the admission request and scored as follows:

1. Qualification used for admission (0-2 points), assessed as follows:

a) Master’s degree in Artistic Creation: Realisms and Environments or Contemporary Artistic Creation (2 points).

b) Master’s degrees in related disciplines (0-2 points, depending on the specific content and its compatibility with the research areas covered by the doctoral programme).

2. Academic record for the bachelor’s degree used for admission (maximum 4 points, depending on the gradepoint average). The grade point average will be assessed on a scale of 0 to 4 divided by 2, or 0 to 10 divided by 5. Correction factors will be applied to qualifications issued outside Spain, as provided for in the regulations of the ANECA programme.

3. Academic record for the master’s degree (maximum 4 points, depending on the gradepoint average). The grade point average will be assessed on a scale of 0 to 4 divided by 2, or 0 to 10 divided by 5. Correction factors will be applied to qualifications issued outside Spain, as provided for in the regulations of the ANECA programme.

4. Statement of interest, research proposal and/or letters of recommendation (maximum 5 points).

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Title: Biodiversity (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Biodiversity  

Areas of the program: Sciences, Humanities, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Life Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Biology

Maximum number of students: 35


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The specific admission requirements and selection criteria for the doctoral programme in Biodiversity, which focus on the student’s experience and academic record, can be found on the programme’s web page ( admision.htm ):

1. Research-oriented university master’s degree in one of the following subjects: Biodiversity, Biological Anthropology, Primatology, Aquaculture, Terrestrial Ecology or Biodiversity Management (research pathway, with at least 60 ECTS credits for the research module). Holders of master’s degrees that do not have a specific research focus will be required to complete bridging courses.

2. A university degree with a study load of, or equal to, at least 300 ECTS credits, provided that the content is related to the general field of biodiversity (experimental sciences, life sciences, humanities, biology, pharmacy, environmental sciences or environmental engineering, anthropology, archaeology, etc.).

Assessment of merits focuses on:

1. The suitability of the candidate’s curriculum vitae and academic record.

2. Provisional acceptance of the candidate by a lecturer (thesis supervisor or tutor) involved in the teaching of the doctoral programme.

3. Credit will be given to those candidates who have been awarded a predoctoral grant or any public or private source of funding that will help to ensure the continuity of their research during the doctoral programme.

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Title: Biomedicine (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Biomedicine 

Areas of the program: Health Sciences and Life Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Science

Maximum number of students: 100


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The Academic Committee will consider the biomedical content of each candidate’s master’s degree in evaluating their suitability for the doctoral programme. As a general rule, students should hold a master’s degree that covers biomedicine or the specific disciplines of immunology, neuroscience, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, biotechnology, genetics, medical sciences, veterinary sciences, pharmacology, nutrition, physiology and others.

The Academic Committee will select students on the basis of the following scoring system:

1. Academic record for the bachelor’s degree or pre-EHEA degree used for admission: maximum 2 points, depending on the grade point average. For each degree, the standard grade point average will be considered.Correction factors will be applied to qualifications issued outside Spain, as provided for in the regulations of the ANECA programme.

2. Academic record for the master’s degree (maximum 1 point, depending on the grade point average). For each master’s degree, the standard grade point average will be considered. Correction factors will be applied to qualifications issued outside Spain, as provided for in the regulations of the ANECA programme.

3. Possession of a doctoral grant (3 points).

4. Favourable report from a researcher assigned to the degree programme. Credit will be given for the applicant’s capacity, aptitude and motivation. The report must state why the researcher is interested in the student’s academic profile, in relation to his/her research project (maximum 2 points).

5. Other curricular merits: previous research experience, publications and international placements (maximum 1 point).

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Title: Biotechnology (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Biotechnology   

Areas of the program: Sciences, Health Sciences and Life Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Science

Maximum number of students: 35


specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

Prospective students should hold a bachelor’s degree or pre-EHEA degree in one of the following subjects: Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biology, Chemistry, Genetics, Food Science and Technology, Medicine, Microbiology, Nutrition and Dietetics, Pharmacy or Veterinary Science. Alternatively, they should hold similar official qualifications in areas of the experimental sciences and health sciences. Candidates should also have completed a university master’s degree in Advanced Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biomedicine, Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, or a related subject.
The Academic Committee may also consider candidates with other profiles.

Admission to the doctoral programme in Biotechnology is overseen by the Academic Committee. The Committee acts in accordance with the UB’s internal regulations on academic committees for doctoral programmes, as governed by Royal Decree 99/2011.

The Academic Committee determines admission to the doctoral programme on the basis of the following criteria and the corresponding weightings:

1) Curriculum vitae. Credit will be given for knowledge associated with the programme’s research areas, and publications in the field of biotechnology. Proficiency in English will also be evaluated. In this case, the Committee will consider official certification of language skills submitted with the application, or ask the candidate to attend a personal interview. Weighting: 35%.

2) Academic record and other academic merits. In particular, the Committee will assess whether the candidate has sufficient training to begin a thesis on research topics related to the programme content, looking primarily at the grade point averages obtained for bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees. For candidates whose university master’s degree was not completed at the UB, the Committee will also take into account quality indicators for the master’s degree and the university at which it was taken. Weighting: 40%.

3) Statement of interest. The statement of interest must clearly indicate the candidate’s reasons for applying to the doctoral programme in Biotechnology and include a brief description of the proposed research project. Credit will also be given for a particular interest in the research activities carried out by the staff assigned to the doctoral programme. To clarify the reasons given in the statement of interest, some candidates may also be asked to attend a personal interview. Weighting: 20%.

4) Letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation must refer to the candidate’s previous training, analytical skills and general motivation for learning. Weighting: 5%

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Title: Brain, Cognition and Behaviour (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Brain, Cognition and Behaviour 

Areas of the program: Humanities, Health Sciences and Social Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Psychology

Maximum number of students: 18


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The Academic Committee has established the following specific requirements:
a) Candidates must have completed 20 ECTS credits for research and have obtained the Spanish advanced studies diploma (Diploma de Estudios Avanzados, DEA). Candidates from education systems outside the EHEA must demonstrate that they have acquired similar research experience, for example, through the completion of a research-based master’s degree dissertation.

b) Candidates must provide official certification of English language proficiency at level B1, or preferably level B2 or higher.

Candidate selection and admission criteria

The Academic Committee will assess each candidate on the basis of the following criteria:

1. Qualification used for admission (maximum 2 points)

a) Master’s degree in Research in Behaviour and Cognition from the University of Barcelona (2 points).

b) Master’s degrees in related disciplines, depending on the specific content and its compatibility with the research areas covered by the doctoral programme (0-2 points).

2. Grade point average for the bachelor’s and master’s degrees, assessed on a scale of 0 to 4. Correction factors will be applied to qualifications from other countries, as stipulated in ANECA regulations (maximum 2 points).

3. Research experience, assessed on the basis of the candidate’s publication record (maximum 2 points).

4. Statement of interest, research proposal or letters of recommendation (maximum 2 points).

5. Level of English (B1 = 0, B2 = 0.5, C1 = 1 point)

6. Spanish language skills at level B1 (1 point).

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Title: Business (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Business

Areas of the program: Social Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Economics and Business

Maximum number of students: 15


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The Academic Committee has set the following specific admission requirements for the standard admission pathways:

1. Candidates must hold one of the following qualifications:

a) A university master’s degree in Business Research from the UB or a university master’s degree in Financial and Actuarial Sciences. In this latter case, the student must have taken the specialization in Advanced Actuarial and Financial Models.

b) A master’s degree issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area, of the same academic level and offering equivalent research training to the master’s degrees indicated above, at the discretion of the Academic Committee. Candidates who obtained the advanced studies diploma (Diploma de Estudios Avanzados, DEA) as part of the UB’s doctoral programme in Business Studies and the university master’s degree in Research in Business, Finance and Insurance, taught at the Faculty of Economics and Business from 2007-2008 to 2011-2012, will receive the same consideration.

c) A qualification issued by an education system outside the European Higher Education Area, which shows that the holder has a level of education equivalent to the university master’s degree in Business Research
or the university master’s degree in Financial and Actuarial Sciences (specialization in Advanced Actuarial and Financial Models).

2) Knowledge of English. Candidates must provide official certification of English language proficiency (at level B1 CEFR or higher). If this is not possible, a representative designed by the Academic Committee will assess the candidate’s English language skills in a personal interview.

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Title: Citizenship and Human Rights

Denomination: Citizenship and Human Rights

Areas of the program: Humanities and Social Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Philosophy

Maximum number of students: 25


specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The Academic Committee will give priority to applications from candidates who meet the specific requirements and hold a master’s degree in Citizenship and Human Rights: Ethics and Politics or another master’s degree in a related area. The Committee will also consider the following aspects, weighted as shown:

1) Academic record and other academic merits. In particular, it will consider whether the candidate sufficient training to begin a thesis on a research topic related to the programme’s research areas. If the applicant does not hold a master’s degree from the UB, admission will depend particularly on the following aspects: a) English-language tuition, and b) quality indicators for the master’s degree and the university at which it was taken. Weighting: 50%

Curriculum vitae. Credit will be given for previous knowledge of the topics covered by the doctoral programme. Credit will be given for teaching experience and professional experience in this field. Certified knowledge of another language will also be valued. Weighting: 30%

3) Statement of interest. The statement of interest must clearly indicate the candidate’s reasons for applying to the doctoral programme. Credit will be given to candidates who present research proposals for future work. Credit will also be given to candidates showing a particular interest in the research activities carried out by staff assigned to the doctoral programme. To clarify the reasons given in the statement of interest, some candidates may also be asked to attend a personal interview. Weighting: 15%

Letters of recommendation. These may be written by former lecturers or people who have had a professional or academic relationship with the candidate. Letters of recommendation must refer to the candidate’s previous training, analytical skills and general motivation for learning. Weighting: 5%

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Title: Clinical Health Psychology (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: clinical Health Psychology 

Areas of the program: Health Sciences and Social Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Psychology

Maximum number of students: 13


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The Academic Committee has set the following specific admission requirements for the standard admission pathways:

1. Candidates must hold one of the following qualifications:

a) University master’s degree in Clinical Health Psychology from the UB or a university master’s degree in General Health Psychology.

b) A master’s degree issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area, of the same academic level and offering equivalent research training to the master’s degrees indicated above, at the discretion of the Academic Committee.

c) A degree issued by a higher education institution outside the European Higher Education Area framework, which does not have to be officially recognized but which proves that the holder has a level of education equivalent to the master’s degrees listed in Section a).

2) Knowledge of English. Candidates must provide official certification of English language proficiency (at level B1 CEFR or higher). If this is not possible, a representative designed by the Academic Committee will assess the candidate’s English language skills in a personal interview.

Candidate evaluation criteria

The academic committee will give priority to applications from candidates who meet the specific requirements and hold one of the UB university master’s degrees listed below: University master’s degree in Clinical Health Psychology. University master’s degree in General Health Psychology.

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Title: Cognitive Science and Language (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Cognitive Science and Language 

Areas of the program: Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Barcelona PHD)

Centre: Faculty of Philology and Communication

Maximum number of students: 12


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The admissions process is overseen by the Academic Committee of the doctoral programme. The admission procedure includes assessment against a series of criteria that reflect the recommended applicant profile.

Recommended applicant profile

The doctoral programme is intended for students with an interest in research and solid training in one of the programme’s research areas, in philosophy, linguistics and psychology. Priority will be given to students who can demonstrate interdisciplinary experience, such as that obtained in the master’s degree in Cognitive Science and Language.

The programme may also be of interest to professionals and holders of pre-EHEA or EHEA degrees in other language-related areas. The programme aims to meet the demands of specific groups or students or professionals:

1. Students who have completed a master’s degree related to one of the programme’s research areas
(who have obtained 60 credits for subjects directly related to research in the area of cognitive sciences and language). Students who have taken the inter-university master’s degree (UB, UAB, UPF, URV and UdG) in Cognitive Science and Language have a particularly suitable profile. However, students who have successfully completed a different master’s degree linked to the doctoral programme’s research areas will also have the requisite academic preparation. This includes all students who have studied social and human sciences, health sciences or education sciences (for example, philologists, translators, speech therapists, educational psychologists, etc.). These students may have completed a master’s degree related to aspects of philosophy (such as the inter-university master’s degree in Analytic Philosophy), linguistics and philology (master’s degrees associated with teaching and learning a foreign or native language, applied linguistics, and translation) and psychology (such as master’s degrees related to cognitive psychology and the relationship between behaviour and cognition).

2. Subject to approval by the Academic Committee, students with other official qualifications in fields related to those mentioned above may be also admitted. In these cases, candidates must provide evidence of research training and of specific training in one of the doctoral programme’s research areas, as well as a good command of English.

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Title: Contemporary Philosophy and Classical Studies (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Contemporary Philosophy and Classical Studies (University of Barcelona PhD)

Areas of the program: Humanities 

Centre: Faculty of Philosophy

Maximum number of students: 13


specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The recommended applicant profile is a student with a pre-EHEA degree, bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in philosophy, the humanities, social sciences and other disciplines associated with thought.

Admission criteria

The academic committee has set the following specific admission requirements for the standard admission pathways:

‘ Students may be accepted from university master’s degrees that are not associated with the specific training for the doctoral programme.

The Committee will also consider the following aspects, which are prioritized according to the weighting shown:

1. Pre-EHEA or EHEA bachelor’s degree in Philosophy. Weighting: 40%.

2. Master’s degree in Philosophy. Weighting: 25%.

3. The academic record and other academic merits. In particular, the committee will assess whether the candidate has sufficient training to begin a thesis on a research topic related to philosophy. Weighting: 25%.

4. Knowledge of a foreign language. Applicants must have certified foreign language skills (at level B1 or equivalent). If this is not possible, a representative designed by the Academic Committee will assess the candidate’s English language skills in a personal interview. Weighting: 10%.

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Title: Drug Research, Development and Control (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Drug Research, Development and Control (University of Barcelona PhD)

Areas of the program: Health Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Science

Maximum number of students: 25


specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

If the candidate’s postgraduate training does not fit the requisite profile, the Academic Committee will assess the suitability of previous studies and the full curriculum vitae, and request a report from the research group that the applicant would join.

Access and admission

The admission procedure for the doctoral programme in Drug Research, Development and Control
is overseen by the Academic Committee.

The Committee will consider the candidate’s merits:

1. Curriculum vitae. The Committee will assess the candidate’s research experience, giving credit for previous knowledge of the programme’s research areas, publications and conference papers related to the pharmaceutical industry, and a good command of scientific English. If candidates do not have official language certificates, their English language skills will be assessed in an interview. Weighting: 35%.

2. Academic record for the qualification used for admission (bachelor’s degree / master’s degree) and other academic merits. In particular, the Committee will assess whether the candidate has sufficient training to begin a thesis on research topics related to the programme content, looking primarily at the grade point averages obtained for bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees. For candidates whose university master’s degree was not completed at the UB, the Committee will also take into account quality indicators for the master’s degree and the university at which it was taken. Weighting: 40%.

3. Statement of interest. The statement of interest must clearly indicate the candidate’s reasons for applying to a doctoral programme in Drug Research, Development and Control, and include a brief description of the proposed research project. Credit will also be given for a particular interest in the research activities carried out by staff assigned to the doctoral programme. To clarify the reasons given in the statement of interest, some candidates may also be asked to attend a personal interview. Weighting: 20%.

4. Letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation must refer to the candidate’s previous training, analytical skills and general motivation for learning. Weighting: 5%

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Title: Earth Sciences (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Earth Sciences (University of Barcelona PhD)

Areas of the program: Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Earth Sciences

Maximum number of students: 25


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The Academic Committee has set the following specific admission requirements for the standard admission pathways:

1) To be eligible for admission, candidates must hold one of the following qualifications:

a) University master’s degree in Reservoir Geology and Geophysics, Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards, Paleontology, or Geological Engineering and Mining Engineering.

b) A master’s degree issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area, of the same academic level and offering equivalent research training to the master’s degrees indicated above, at the discretion of the Academic Committee. Holders of master’s degrees in Geology, Earth Sciences or related subjects from other Spanish and European universities will receive the same consideration. For example, the master’s degrees in Water, Marine Sciences, Crystallography and Crystallization, and Energy Engineering are all considered to provide the necessary preparation.

c) A qualification issued by an education system outside the European Higher Education Area, which shows that the holder has a level of education equivalent to the master’s degrees listed in Section a.

2) Knowledge of English. Candidates must provide official certification of English language proficiency (at level B1 or a recognized equivalent). If this is not possible, a representative designed by the Academic Committee will assess the candidate’s English language skills in a personal interview.

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Title: Ecology, Environmental Sciences and Plant Physiology (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Ecology, Environmental Sciences and Plant Physiology (University of Barcelona PhD)

Areas of the program: Life Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Biology

Maximum number of students: 20


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The academic committee has set the following specific admission requirements for the standard admission pathways.

Recommended applicant profile:

1. Applicants should have completed a university master’s degree in a scientific area related to ecology, environmental sciences or plant physiology.

2. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the area of study, applications will be accepted from candidates in possession of a university master’s degree issued by a university in the EHEA framework in areas different to those listed in point 1. In such cases, the Academic Committee will assess whether the degree provides a comparable level of study and a sufficient degree of research training. In addition, the Committee will assess the compatibility of the candidate’s curriculum vitae with the general content and specific research areas covered by the doctoral programme.

3. Candidates in possession of a master’s degree issued outside the EHEA framework, the Academic Committee will assess whether the content is compatible with the content of the doctoral programme and provides suitable preparation.

4. English language proficiency (at B1 CEFR or equivalent), to develop the necessary competences.

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Title: Economic History (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Economic History 

Areas of the program: Social Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Economics and Business

Maximum number of students: 10


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

Ideally, candidates will have an interest in the major issues affecting long-term economic development and be motivated to carry out their own research. They must be able to reflect on and critically analyse a range of issues, taking a creative approach that leads to new questions and a consideration of new problems.

Students must have an advanced understanding of history or economics, be familiar with standard research methods in the social sciences, and have received specialized or multidisciplinary training on basic research tasks. This training is usually acquired in university master’s degrees in History, Economics and other social sciences, particularly the inter-university master’s degree in Economic History from the University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University of Zaragoza. Applicants must also have good working knowledge of English, particularly listening comprehension and writing skills.

Specific admission requirements

The academic committee has set the following specific admission requirements for the standard admission pathways:

1. To be admitted to the doctoral programme, graduates of the inter-university master’s degree in Economic History from the University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University of Zaragoza or the university master’s degree in Economic Growth and Development from Carlos III University of Madrid must have obtained a final grade of 7 or higher and a mark for the Final Project also of 7 or higher. Students with other qualifications must be able to demonstrate that they have an equivalent level of training. The Academic Committee will be responsible for assessing the candidates’ academic records and determining whether they demonstrate the required level.

2. Candidates must provide official certification of English language proficiency (at level B2 or a recognized equivalent). Candidates who cannot provide official certification may be asked to demonstrate their language skills in a personal or online interview.

3. To be admitted, candidates must be scored at 70% or higher by the Academic Committee’s evaluation.

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Title: Economics (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Economics   

Areas of the program: Social Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Economics and Business (University of Barcelona PHD)

Maximum number of students: 15


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The Academic Committee has set the following specific admission requirements for the standard admission pathways:

1) To be admitted to the programme, students must have one of the following qualifications:

a) University master’s degree in Economics from the University of Barcelona.

b) A master’s degree issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area, of the same academic level and offering equivalent research training to the university master’s degree in Economics taught at the UB, at the discretion of the Academic Committee.

c) A degree issued by a higher education institution outside the European Higher Education Area framework, which does not have to be officially recognized, but proves that the holder has a level of education equivalent to the official master’s degree in Economics from the University of Barcelona.

2) Good working knowledge of English. Candidates must provide official certification of English language proficiency.

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Title: Educational Psychology

Denomination: Educational Psychology  

Areas of the program: Health Sciences and Social Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Psychology

Maximum number of students: 8


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

In addition to the general admission requirements for doctoral studies set out in Royal Decree 99/2011 and those established by the Doctoral School of the University of Barcelona, in order to be admitted to the Inter-university Doctoral Programme in Educational Psychology (DIPE) students must meet specific requirements associated with the required applicant profile. DIPE students are typically holders of bachelor’s degrees or pre-EHEA degrees in Psychology, Education, Educational Psychology, Teacher Training or related subjects. Candidates should show a particular interest in the fundamental principles and psychological components of formal and informal education, at different levels (primary, secondary and higher) and in different modes (face-to-face, online, blended). They should also have the basic skills and abilities to carry out research.

As such, the specific admission requirements are as follows:

1. A bachelor’s degree or pre-EHEA degree in Psychology, Education, Educational Psychology or Teacher Training. In addition, holders of a bachelor’s degree or pre-EHEA degree in Social Education, Sociology, Anthropology, Audiovisual Communication, Linguistics and other areas of the social sciences and humanities will be accepted if they provide evidence of at least five years’ professional experience in education.

2. One of the following qualifications: a) Inter-university master’s degree in Educational Psychology, taught by the UB, UAB, UdG and URL. b) A master’s degree issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area, of the same academic level and offering equivalent research training to the master’s degree indicated above, at the discretion of the Academic Committee; c) A qualification issued by an education system outside the European Higher Education Area, which shows that the holder has a level of education equivalent to the aforementioned master’s degree.

3. Candidates must provide official certification of English language proficiency (at level B1 CEFR or a recognized equivalent). If this is not possible, a representative designed by the Academic Committee will assess the candidate’s English language skills in a personal interview.

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Title: Education and Society (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Education and Society 

Areas of the program: Humanities and Social Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Education

Maximum number of students: 30


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating


In addition to the generic criteria derived from current regulations, the Academic Commission of the Programme considers that candidates must respond to the following profile and the following specific requirements:

Access: recommended profile
To be in possession of a degree in Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy, Social Education or Social Work or related degrees and a master’s degree in education or related fields.
To demonstrate basic knowledge and skills in the design and development of educational and / or social research processes and an advanced level of reading comprehension in English or French.

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Title: Electrochemistry. Science and Technology (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Electrochemistry. Science and Technology  

Areas of the program: Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Chemistry

Maximum number of students: 5


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The doctoral programme in Electrochemistry: Science and Technology is open to all candidates in possession of an official master’s degree in science, engineering or a related field, as stipulated in RD 99/2011.Ideally, candidates should have a bachelor’s degree in science or engineering and a master’s degree in a scientific or engineering discipline (including advanced training in electrochemistry). The most suitable course is the university master’s degree in Electrochemistry: Science and Technology. In addition, candidates should have sufficient knowledge of English to fully understand the ideas expressed in scientific papers, to communicate fluently with native speakers, and to write clear scientific texts (students who have at least the necessary level of comprehension will be considered).

The number of places offered each year is not definitive. Similarly, there is no set quota for full-time and part-time places; students may select either mode of study according to their personal circumstances and the research they intend to carry out. On no account will admission be refused on the grounds of a candidate’s availability for full-time study.

The following applicants are most suitable for this programme:

1. Holders of the university master’s degree in Electrochemistry: Science and Technology; holders of the research proficiency certificate from the doctoral programme in Electrochemistry: Science and Technology, governed by Royal Decree 778/1998; candidates who have completed the training period for the doctoral programme in Electrochemistry: Science and Technology, governed by Royal Decree 1393/2007.

2. Holders of a master’s degree from a university in the EHEA that is equivalent to the master’s degree in Electrochemistry: Science and Technology.

3. Holders of a qualification that grants access to the doctoral programme, in science, engineering or a related field, including at least sixteen credits for methodology and research training or the equivalent (the final project for the master’s degree, bachelor’s degree or equivalent must have had a specific research focus).

4. Holders of a qualification that grants access to the doctoral programme, in science, engineering or a related field, that is not included in Point 3.

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Title: Engineering and Applied Sciences (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Engineering and Applied Sciences (University of Barcelona PhD)

Areas of the program: Sciences and Engineering and Architecture

Centre: Faculty of Chemistry

Maximum number of students: 30


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The Academic Committee has set the following specific admission requirements for the standard admission pathways:

Candidates must hold one of the following qualifications:

1. Official university master’s degree at the University of Barcelona in:

‘ Environmental Engineering
‘ Biomedical Engineering
‘ Photonic Engineering, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics
‘ Chemical Engineering
‘ Artificial Intelligence
‘ Applied Materials Chemistry
‘ Advanced Physics
‘ Renewable Energy and Energy Sustainability
‘ Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
‘ Electrochemistry Science and Technology

2. A master’s degree issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area, of the same academic level and offering equivalent research training to the master’s degrees indicated above, at the discretion of the Academic Committee.

3.A qualification issued by an education system outside the European Higher Education Area, which shows that the holder has a level of education equivalent to the master’s degrees mentioned in the first section.

4. Knowledge of English. Applicants must have certified English language skills at a level equivalent to B2. If this is not possible, a representative designed by the Academic Committee will assess the candidate’s English language skills in a personal interview.

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Title: Erasmus Mundus in Fetal and Perinatal Medicine (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Erasmus Mundus in Fetal and Perinatal Medicine  

Areas of the program: Sciences, Engineering and Architecture, Health Science and Life Sciences (University of Barcelona PhD)

Centre: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Maximum number of students: 15


General objectives of the program

1.(Academic objective) To create a distinct academic programme for interdisciplinary research, education and training of doctoral students around the field of Fetal Medicine, enhancing their career opportunities in different sectors, and making an international referral hub for training, research and innovation in the field.

2.(Research objective) To develop competitive research and innovation projects aiming at improving current knowledge and providing pre-clinical solutions for personalized early diagnosis and therapy in fetal medicine, with a strong focus in emerging technologies (omics) and disease models (stem cells).

3.(Socio-Economic objective) to translate basic science results to clinical solutions in order to prevent disease and reduce the cost of treatment and rehabilitation later in life, to further enhance excellence in fetal medicine, and to improve long term quality of life of young children and their families.

2. Objective:

– To develop an interdisciplinary research training by offering to PhD Candidates a strong platform to enhance creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, during their education and training as researchers in the Fetal Medicine and Early Childhood Health area.

– To enhance international cooperation, interdisciplinary training and transfer of knowledge between research organizations and enterprises of different countries and sectors.

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Title: Food and Nutrition (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Food and Nutritio 

Areas of the program: Sciences, Humanities, Health Sciences and Life Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Science (University of Barcelona PHD)

Maximum number of students: 20


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The recommended qualification for access to this doctoral programme is a master’s degree in any branch of knowledge encompassed by Food and Nutrition. Candidates with other qualifications will also be considered, provided that they meet the general academic requirements.

In addition to the general admission requirements, the Academic Committee has set the following specific requirements and criteria:

1. Access from one of the following UB master’s degrees: Nutrition and Metabolism (inter-university degree offered in conjunction with Rovira i Virgili University), Food Design and Innovation, and Food Safety.
2. Access from related degrees, depending on the specific content and its compatibility with the research areas covered by the doctoral programme.
3. English language proficiency at level B1 (CEFR), or an accepted equivalent.

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Title: Gender Studies: Cultures, Societies and Policies (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Gender Studies: Cultures, Societies and Policies

Areas of the program: Social Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Economics and Business

Maximum number of students: 2


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The recommended academic profile is a master’s degree in an area of the arts, humanities and social sciences. Candidates with other qualifications will also be considered, provided that they meet the general academic requirements.

In addition to the general access requirements, the Academic Committee has established the following additional requirements and selection criteria:

1. University master’s degree in Women, Gender and Citizenship Studies or another master’s degree in an area of the arts, humanities or social sciences from one of the participating universities (UB, UAB, UdG, UVIC-UCC, URV).

2. Official master’s degree in a related discipline, issued by a Spanish or international university, depending on the specific content and its compatibility with the research areas covered by the doctoral programme.

3. A level of language skills equivalent to a Diploma in Spanish (Intermediate Level) and B1 in Catalan.

4. A level of comprehension equivalent to B1 in any of the languages commonly used in the field in question, particularly English and French.

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Title: Genetics (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Genetics   

Areas of the program: Health Sciences and Life Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Biology

Maximum number of students: 20 (University of Barcelona PHD)


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The Academic Committee will select students on the basis of the following scoring system:

1. Qualification used for admission (0-2 points), assessed as follows:

a) Admission from one of the following UB master’s degrees (2 points): Genetics and Genomics, Biomedicine, Biodiversity, Neurosciences, Molecular Biotechnology.

b) Master’s degrees in related disciplines, depending on the specific content and its compatibility with the research areas covered by the doctoral programme (0-2 points).

2. Academic record for the bachelor’s degree or pre-EHEA degree used for admission (maximum 4 points, depending on the grade point average). The grade point average will be assessed on a scale of 0 to 4 divided by 2, or 0 to 10 divided by 5. Correction factors will be applied to qualifications issued outside Spain, as provided for in the regulations of the ANECA programme.

3. Academic record for the master’s degree (maximum 4 points, depending on the grade point average). The grade point average will be assessed on a scale of 0 to 4 divided by 2, or 0 to 10 divided by 5. Correction factors will be applied to qualifications issued outside Spain, as provided for in the regulations of the ANECA programme.

4. Statement of interest, research proposal or letters of recommendation (maximum 2 points).

5. Curriculum vitae (maximum 4 points), the following aspects will be evaluated:

a) Research experience in any of the areas covered by the theoretical and practical content of the doctoral programme (maximum 1 point).

b) Professional experience in any of the areas covered by the theoretical and practical content of the doctoral programme (maximum 1 point).

c) Publication record, attendance of conferences, and other activities related to the doctoral programme, such as participation in excavations, artistic activities, culture and heritage management, field work, etc. (maximum 1 point).

d) Master’s degree grants awarded in competitive calls, excluding mobility or general grants (maximum 1 point).

6. Previous award of a grant for doctoral study (3 points) or grant application pending resolution at the time of application (1 point).

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Title: Geography, Land Planning and Environmental Management (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Geography, Land Planning and Environmental Management

Areas of the program: Social Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Geography and History

Maximum number of students: 12 (University of Barcelona PhD)


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The admission process is overseen by the Academic Committee for the doctoral programme. Twelve places will be offered in the first and second years that the programme is offered. Four of these places will be reserved for part-time students.

With the exception of specific provisions on length of studies, regulations on doctoral study at the UB are the same for full-time and part-time students. Students who wish to enrol part-time must explain the reasons for their choice. Students may only change from full-time to part-time study or vice versa if they receive a favourable report from their supervisor and tutor and the change is approved by the Academic Committee. If the change is approved, it will be effective from the start of the academic year following the request.

In the case of applications from students with special educational needs, the Academic Committee will discuss with the Doctoral School the potential measures for adapting the programme content.

Given that there are several suitable applicant profiles and various bachelor’s and master’s degrees are accepted, the Academic Committee ensures that each candidate is allocated a suitable thesis supervisor and tutor and assigned to an appropriate research area. Consequently, the Academic Committee will ensure that no candidate is assigned to a research area in which he/she does not have sufficient preparation from previous studies. In addition, the range of training activities is flexible, allowing supervisors, tutors and students to draw up a specific training pathway and research plan within the general disciplinary area and thematic scope of the doctoral programme.

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Title: History of Science (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: History of Science 

Areas of the program: Sciences and Humanities 

Centre: Faculty of Philology and Communication (University of Barcelona PhD)

Maximum number of students: 15


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The admission process is overseen by the Academic Committee of the doctoral programme. Candidates must meet the general access requirements. To request admission, candidates must first submit a completed application and curriculum vitae to the Academic Committee, within the period established by the participating universities. Candidates who have successfully completed the interuniversity master’s degree in History of Science: Science, History and Society (UAB and UB) are eligible to access the doctoral programme. Candidates should also have a good working knowledge of English, and of Catalan and Spanish if they are not native speakers of these languages. In specific cases, knowledge of classical Arabic may be required.

Candidates are also assessed on the basis of the following criteria:

‘ Academic record and compatibility of the candidate’s studies with the content of the doctoral programme (40%).
‘ Whether the candidate has obtained financial aid and research grants (20%).
‘ Research experience (participation in conferences, publications, involvement in research projects) (10%).
‘ International placements (10%).
‘ Personal interview (20%).

Candidates will be informed of the outcome of their application within fifteen days. They will also be notified of any bridging courses set for them by the Academic Committee, which must be taken during the first year of the programme.

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Title: Information and Communication (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Information and Communication

Areas of the program: Social Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media

Maximum number of students: 7


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

The recommended qualifications for access to this doctoral programme are a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in an area of information science or communication (as specified below). However, due to the interdisciplinary nature of these knowledge areas, degree holders in other disciplines may also be admitted provided that they meet the general academic requirements.

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Title: International Doctorate in Transdisciplinary Global Health Solutions (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: International Doctorate in Transdisciplinary Global Health Solutions 

Areas of the program: Health Sciences and Life Sciences (University of Barcelona PhD)

Centre: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Maximum number of students: 8


General objectives of the program

TransGlobal Health program aims to train a new generation of global health scientists to play a key role in protecting and improving the health of the world population considering three main transitions. This ambitious goal can only be achieved through transnational cooperation between academic institutions with recognized experience in this field and working together to design a systematic international research projects / transdisciplinary.

The program focuses on threats to the health of the most vulnerable and often affected by complex and interrelated health problems with poverty, injustice or comorbidity ‘among other factors. Vulnerable populations are not only low-income countries, but also in Europe where groups with limited access to health services are growing. The research conducted in this program will help improve access to prevention and clinical care, quality of health services to ensure better health outcomes, innovation in health based on participation and engagement of communities and other public and private partners, the reorientation of the current global health priorities beyond infectious diseases, incorporating the growing challenges of non-communicable diseases and aging. The program should allow the development of effective and integrated health solutions through research synergetic, interdisciplinary and evidence based.

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Title: Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Studies (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Studies 

Areas of the program: Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Barcelona PhD)

Centre: Faculty of Philology and Communication

Maximum number of students: 65


Ideally, candidates should hold a master’s degree in Philology, the Arts, Philosophy, the Humanities, or Social Sciences. Candidates with other qualifications will also be considered, provided that they meet the general academic requirements.

The academic committee will give priority to:

– Degrees granting access to the doctoral programme that are directly related to its research areas.

– Compatibility between the candidate’s proposed doctoral research topic and the objectives of one of the programme’s research areas.

– The compatibility of the candidate’s academic record with the content of the doctoral programme.

In addition to the general admission requirements, the Academic Committee has set the following specific requirements:

– A level of comprehension equivalent to B1 in any of the languages commonly used in the field in question.

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Title: Marine Sciences (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Marine Sciences 

Areas of the program: Sciences, Engineering and Architecture, Social Sciences and Life Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Earth Sciences

Maximum number of students: 10


The main requirement is a Spanish qualification at bachelor’s degree level or equivalent and at master’s degree level or equivalent that enables the student to benefit from and complete the research training provided in the Marine Sciences doctoral programme.

Consequently, the following will be considered in particular:

‘ Academic qualifications and course plan for the master’s degree, or equivalent qualification, used for the purpose of application.
‘ Academic qualifications and course plan for the bachelor’s degree, or equivalent qualification, used for the purpose of application.
‘ Other merits for which the candidate has official certification, such as placements in research centres related to marine sciences, publications, or previous professional experience.

Using these criteria to assess the individual merit and academic excellence of candidates, the Academic Committee for the doctoral programme in Marine Sciences will publish an admissions list every year. The Academic Committee may require candidates to take specific bridging courses, depending on their academic profile. Research credits are awarded for bridging courses, which are compulsory for students who have taken a bachelor’s degree of three hundred credits or more that does not include credits for research.

Students who have recognized Research Proficiency may be admitted to the programme directly, depending on the subject area and level of training, or may have to take the bridging courses that are recommended by their tutor.

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Title: Mathematics and Computing (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Mathematics and Computer Science   

Areas of the program: Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Maximum number of students: 20


Ideally, candidates will have successfully completed an official EHEA master’s degree in a subject related to one of the programme’s research areas. Candidates should have a good academic record and show signs of sufficient motivation and preparation to carry out their own research in mathematics or computer science.
Prospective students must complete the application form and indicate their previous studies and the research area in which they want to work. The following documents must also be submitted:

– Bachelor’s and master’s degrees that grant access to the programme.
– Academic certificate for the master’s degree.
– Curriculum vitae.
– Official certification of language proficiency in English or in one of the UB’s official languages.
– Short statement indicating the candidate’s reasons for applying to the doctoral programme and expectations of the experience (approximately one page).

In accordance with the UB Doctoral School’s internal regulations, decisions on admission are taken by the Academic Committee for the doctoral programme in question. The following aspects of the candidate’s record will be assessed, and weighted as shown:

– Academic record for the master’s degree (70%).
– Compatibility of the candidate’s profile with the doctoral programme and chosen research area (10%).
– Knowledge of English or one of the UB’s official languages (10%).
– Other merits, as indicated in the curriculum vitae (10%).

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Title: Medieval Cultures (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Medieval Cultures 

Areas of the program: Humanities

Centre: Faculty of Geography and History

Maximum number of students: 10 (University of Barcelona PhD)


Most doctoral students will have completed the master’s degree in Medieval Cultures at the UB. This degree covers all the areas of knowledge and research associated with the medieval world at our University, and provides the grounding required to access the doctoral programme in Medieval Cultures.

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Title: Nanosciences (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Nanosciences 

Areas of the program: Sciences and Health Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Physics (University of Barcelona PhD)

Maximum number of students: 32


The recommended qualification for access to this doctoral programme is a master’s degree in an area of science or technology. Candidates with other qualifications will also be considered, provided that they meet the general academic requirements.

In addition to the general admission requirements, the Academic Committee has set the following specific requirements:

1. Access from one of the following UB master’s degrees: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Biomedicine, and Electrochemistry: Science and Technology, Biomedical Engineering, Photonics Engineering, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics, Chemical Engineering, Advanced Physics, Applied Materials Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling.

2. Access from related degrees, depending on the specific content and its compatibility with the research areas covered by the doctoral programme.

3. English language proficiency at level B1 (CEFR) or equivalent.

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Title: Physical Activity, Physical Education and Sport (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Physical Activity, Physical Education and Sport (University of Barcelona PhD)

Areas of the program: Social Sciences

Centre: National Institute of Physical Education – INEFC (affiliated centre)

Maximum number of students: 10


The Academic Committee has set the following specific admission requirements for the standard admission pathways:

Recommended applicant profile

1. Candidates wishing to access the doctoral programme must hold one of the following qualifications:

a) A university master’s degree in Physical Activity and Health; Motor Activity and Education, or Sporting Performance: from Specialization to Elite Competition.

b) A master’s degree issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area, of the same academic level and offering equivalent research training to the master’s degrees indicated above, at the discretion of the Academic Committee. Holders of the advanced studies diplomas (DEA) obtained as part of the doctoral programme in Physical Activity and Sport (under the conditions established in Royal Decree 1393/2007) from the academic year 2007-2008 to the academic year 2011-2012 will be considered to hold an equivalent qualification.

c) A degree issued by a higher education institution outside the European Higher Education Area framework, which does not have to be officially recognized but which demonstrates the completion of an equivalent course of study to the master’s degrees in Physical Activity and Health, Motor Activity and Education, and Sporting Performance: from Specialization to Elite Competition.

2. Knowledge of English. Candidates must provide official certification of English language proficiency (at level B1 CEFR or higher). If this is not possible, a representative designated by the Academic Committee will assess the candidate’s English language skills in a personal interview.

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Title: Physics (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Physics

Areas of the program: Sciences and Engineering and Architecture 

Centre: Faculty of Physics (University of Barcelona PhD)

Maximum number of students: 30


Ideally, candidates should hold a master’s degree in Physics or related sciences. Candidates with other qualifications will also be considered, provided that they meet the general academic requirements.

In addition to the general admission requirements, the Academic Committee has set the following specific requirements:

1. Access from related degrees, depending on the specific content and its compatibility with the research areas covered by the doctoral programme.

2. For international students, a level of Catalan or Spanish equivalent to the Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign Language (intermediate level) or B1 (Catalan).

3. A level of comprehension equivalent to B1 in any of the languages commonly used in the field in question, particularly English and French.

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Title: Psychology of Communication and Change (University of Barcelona PhD)

Denomination: Psychology of Communication and Change   

Areas of the program: Social Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Psychology (University of Barcelona graduate programs)

Maximum number of students: 7


Candidates for the doctoral programme in Psychology of Communication and Change should hold a degree in psychology or a related discipline and should have taken a university master’s degree in one of the following fields:
social sciences, communication sciences, education and developmental sciences, medical and health sciences, behavioural sciences, or physical activity and sport.

When they apply for the programme, students should consider the thesis topics proposed by the programme’s research groups. The applicants’ academic background and the subject areas they are interested in should be compatible with one of the options offered on the doctoral programme. Consequently, applicants should indicate which research area (up to a maximum of three, in order of preference) they are interested in working on during their doctoral research. Other specific requirements are good comprehension of scientific texts in English, and quantitative or qualitative methodological training at postgraduate level that enables them to research the area of the doctoral programme.

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Title: Social and Organizational Psychology (University of Barcelona graduate programs)

Denomination: Social and Organizational Psychology 

Areas of the program: Social Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Psychology

Maximum number of students: 10 (University of Barcelona graduate programs)


In addition to the general requirements stated in the University of Barcelona’s doctoral regulations, the Academic Committee will assess the following specific details:

1. Previous studies required for admission
2. Interest in research
3. Previous research experience (in the bachelor’s and master’s degree)
4. Professional outlook (expectations)
5. Interest in the specific topic selected for the doctoral thesis
6. Financial support (grant or employment, among others)
7. Availability (full- or part-time dedication to the doctoral programme)
8. English (First Certificate in English or similar)
9. Knowledge of statistics and research methods

The Academic Secretary for the programme is responsible for providing detailed information on the admission procedure and the specific admission criteria established by the Academic Committee.

The candidate must submit a full curriculum vitae, providing sufficient information to enable the general and specific admission criteria to be assessed. Candidates should be able to demonstrate research experience in the last five years, equivalent to a research-oriented master’s degree final project.

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Title: Society and Culture: History, Anthropology, Art and Heritage (University of Barcelona graduate programs)

Denomination: Society and Culture: History, Anthropology, Art and Heritage  

Areas of the program: Humanities and Social Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Geography and History

Maximum number of students: 65 (University of Barcelona graduate programs)


The recommended academic profile is a master’s degree in an area of the arts,
humanities and social sciences. Candidates with other qualifications will also be considered, provided that they meet the general academic requirements.

In addition to the general admission requirements, the Academic Committee has set the following specific requirements:

1. Access from one of the following UB master’s degrees: Archaeology; Anthropology and Ethnography; Advanced Studies in Art History; Women, Gender and Citizenship; History Studies; Latin American Studies; Management of Cultural Heritage (and Museology); Contemporary History and Today’s World; the History and Culture of Food; Music as an Interdisciplinary Art; and Territorial Planning and Environmental Management.

2. Access from related degrees, depending on the specific content and its compatibility with the research areas covered by the doctoral programme.

3. For international students, a level of Catalan or Spanish equivalent to the Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE, intermediate level) or B1 (Catalan).

4. A level of comprehension equivalent to B1 in any of the languages commonly used in the field in question, particularly English and French.

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Title: Sociology (University of Barcelona graduate programs)

Denomination: Sociology  

Areas of the program: Social Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Economics and Business

Maximum number of students: 15


Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the doctoral program and applicant merit rating

1. Candidates with a master’s degree in Sociology from the University of Barcelona: Academic record for the master’s degree, with an average grade of merit (notable) or higher, and the same minimum grade for the research assignment.

2. Other applicants: The Academic Committee may accept candidates with other university master’s degrees if it considers that the syllabus covers similar material. Additionally, candidates must have achieved good grade point averages for both their bachelor’s degree and master’s degree.

3. All candidates:

a) Certification of a sufficient level of English language proficiency to understand academic texts (candidates not in possession of an official certificate can demonstrate their language skills in a personal interview with a representative designated by the Academic Committee).

b) Official certification of full spoken and written proficiency in Catalan or Spanish, for those candidates with different mother tongues (candidates who cannot provide official certification will be able to demonstrate their language skills in a personal interview with a representative designated by the Academic Committee).

Final decisions on admission are taken by the Academic Committee, which assesses each application on the basis of the criteria established for the doctoral programme.

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Title: Teaching and Learning of Sciences, Languages, Arts and Humanities (University of Barcelona graduate programs)

Denomination: Teaching and Learning of Sciences, Languages, Arts and Humanities

Areas of the program: Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences 

Centre: Faculty of Education

Maximum number of students: 14


The Academic Committee has set the following specific admission requirements for the standard admission pathways:

1. Compatibility of previous qualifications with the content of the doctoral programme (15%).
2. Grade point averages for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees (20%).
3. Teaching experience or professional experience in areas covered by the doctoral programme (15%).
4. Compatibility of the candidate’s research interests with the research areas and objectives covered by the doctoral programme (20%).
5. Research experience: publication record, placements, participation in projects, membership of research groups and other scientific activities (30%).

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Title: Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (University of Barcelona graduate programs)

Denomination: Analytical Chemistry and the Environment  

Areas of the program: Sciences

Centre: Faculty of Chemistry

Maximum number of students: 20


Candidates who meet the general requirements listed above will be eligible for admission to the programme. The Academic Coordination Committee for the doctoral programme in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (see Section 5.2) will examine the applications and assess the following aspects and merits. The percentage given in brackets is the specific weighting given to each of the admission criteria.

‘ The grades obtained for the bachelor’s or master’s degree used for admission (55%).

‘ Publications in journals and conference papers, particularly those on topics related to the master’s dissertation (15%).

‘ Official accreditation of English-language skills. A minimum level of B2 is recommended (10%).

‘ Letters of reference by two lecturers who are not involved in the doctoral programme, but have taught the student (10%).

‘ Other relevant merits, as indicated in the curriculum vitae (10%).

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