The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardized test designed to evaluate the English language proficiency of non-native speakers. One of the most critical aspects of the IELTS is vocabulary. In this post, we will discuss 50 essential IELTS vocabulary related to education.

  1. Curriculum – The subjects and topics that are taught in a particular course or program of study.
  2. Syllabus – An outline of the topics to be covered in a course, along with the learning objectives and expectations.
  3. Pedagogy – The methods and techniques used in teaching.
  4. Didactic – Intended to teach a specific lesson or moral.
  5. Cognition – The process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thinking, experiences, and senses.
  6. Comprehension – The ability to understand and interpret information.
  7. Inquiry – The process of seeking information and understanding through questioning and investigation.
  8. Enrichment – The process of enhancing the learning experience beyond the regular curriculum.
  9. Remedial – Intended to help improve a student’s knowledge or skills in a particular subject.
  10. Assessment – The process of evaluating a student’s knowledge and skills.
  11. Testimonial – A statement of recommendation or endorsement by someone who has used or experienced a product or service.
  12. Lecturer – A person who gives lectures or talks on a particular subject.
  13. Research – The process of investigating and studying a particular topic in detail.
  14. Thesis – A long essay or dissertation that is based on original research and is required for a degree.
  15. Dissertation – A long essay or thesis that is required for a degree.
  16. Academic – Relating to education and scholarship.
  17. Scholar – A person who has a deep knowledge of a particular subject.
  18. Intellectual – Relating to the intellect or higher mental faculties.
  19. Discourse – A discussion or conversation about a particular topic.
  20. Dialogue – A conversation between two or more people.
  21. Debate – A formal discussion of opposing viewpoints.
  22. Seminar – A class or discussion on a particular subject.
  23. Tutorial – A class or session with a teacher or tutor for individual instruction.
  24. Curriculum vitae – A detailed account of a person’s education, work experience, and qualifications.
  25. Academic integrity – The ethical standards that govern academic conduct and research.
  26. Plagiarism – The act of using someone else’s work or ideas without giving them proper credit.
  27. Citation – A reference to a source of information or data.
  28. Accreditation – The process of verifying that an institution or program meets certain standards of quality.
  29. Diploma – A certificate or document that is awarded upon completion of a course of study.
  30. Degree – An academic award given upon completion of a course of study.
  31. Graduation – The ceremony or event at which degrees or diplomas are conferred.
  32. Pedantic – Overly concerned with details and technicalities.
  33. Jargon – Specialized language used by a particular group or profession.
  34. Literacy – The ability to read and write.
  35. Numeracy – The ability to understand and work with numbers.
  36. E-learning – Learning through the use of electronic technologies.
  37. Distance learning – Learning that takes place through online or remote means.
  38. Blended learning – A combination of online and traditional classroom instruction.
  39. Homeschooling – Education that takes place in the home rather than in a school.
  40. Montessori – An educational philosophy and approach based on the work of Maria Montessori.
  41. Waldorf – An educational philosophy and approach based on the work of Rudolf Steiner.
  42. Experiential learning – Learning through direct experience and observation.
  43. Bloom’s Taxonomy – A framework for categorizing educational objectives and goals.
  44. Multiple intelligences – The theory that there are multiple types of intelligence, including verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial
  45. Carry out research: Do research
  46. Inter-library loan: System where libraries exchange books with one another
  47. Drop out: Leave the course before the end
  48. Do some revision: If the exam happens every year, you can revise by looking at past papers.
  49. Mnemonics: Tricks that help you remember something
  50. Know the subject inside out: Know it completely

You can also watch the following video of 50 essential IELTS Vocabulary Lesson 1 (Education):

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